Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Classic Mix-up
This past week, I've forgone going to the grocery store for necessities (bread, milk, eggs, pasta) so I've been sticking to a rigorous diet of saltine crackers, coffee, tea, and handouts and surprisingly it worked out with minimal blackouts or atrophy.
School-wise, I spanked my Mental Health final, dominated my client concepts final, destroyed my health assessment final, and I have no idea how I did in nutrition. Overall, I'm happy with how finals went and I'm starting to regain some consciousness.
I'm going to have a hell of a time tonight and then head home tomorrow afternoon. For those of you who read this blog, if you're coming back to the Brainerd Lakes Area, when?
p.s. I got 80 bucks back from books today. F yeah, baby. Somewhere 80 scratch-off lottery tickets should be shitting their pants in fear right now.
A world of shit and gasoline
Trust me
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
It's all coming together.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
This will be the first and last GIF I ever put on this blog
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Da Dogs!
Top bands according to plays:
1.) Lamb of God
2.) Chimaira
3.) Queens of the Stone Age
4.) Mastodon
5.) Radiohead
6.) Every Time I Die
7.) Rise Against
8.) The Killers
9.) Mindless Self Indulgence
10.) Tech N9ne
11.) Iron and Wine
For the full list
Take A Look At Me
Category 33
Best Rap/Sung Collaboration
(For a Rap/Sung collaborative performance by artists who do not normally perform together. Singles or Tracks only.)
* Ego
Beyoncé & Kanye West
[Music World Music/Columbia]
* Knock You Down
Keri Hilson, Kanye West & Ne-Yo
Track from: In A Perfect World...
[MMG/Zone 4/Interscope Records]
* Run This Town
Jay-Z, Rihanna & Kanye West
[Roc Nation]
* I'm On A Boat
The Lonely Island & T-Pain
Track from: Incredibad
[Universal Republic Records]
* Dead And Gone
T.I. & Justin Timberlake
Track from: Paper Trail
[Grand Hustle/Atlantic]
I'm really hoping I'm On A Boat wins, not because it's the best song (it is), but because I'll get to see a Andy Samberg accept a Grammy.
- In other news, we had our first snow today so I busted out the red ski mask. It was time
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sodom, South Georgia
I got to listen to a shitload of music and podcasts on the way and figured out that I listened to 10 episodes of This American Life. If you don't know what that is, shame on you and look it up on iTunes. You'll thank me later.
I managed to hang out with some old friends for a night while in town (Paige and Josh (by the way, Josh is still an asshole so it's good to see some things don't change)) and do what we do best-- hang out in a hot tub and make questionable decisions.
Anyways, I put off way too much homework over the break, but that's nothing new. I wonder why I even bring my homework with me on holidays anymore.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Suck It
Suck it mother nature.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
"I'm Riding Blind, Stick"
Boy Finds Own Real-Life E.T.
In other news, my insurment panel on my car just shit the bed. I now have no idea how fast I am going , my RPM, my temp, or how much gas I have. It'll be an interesting ride home for Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
"I guess I don't remember. Guys, is it the the left or right one?"
I started working on a major paper by listening to the new live album by The Killers, Live From The Royal Albert Hall (and by the way it's pretty damn good).
Once that was done, I switched over to some Slayer (it's a guilty pleasure) by listening to their album Seasons in the Abyss.
After that, I was in the mood for some Tech N9ne so I put on the first disk of his album Killer.
I ended this godawful paper up by listening to Metallica's first album, Kill 'Em All.
So just to recap, I listened to The Killers, two albums with Kill in the title, and a band who's name is a synonym for Kill. I'm definitely not going to play any more Modern Warfare 2 for a day or two.
Friday, November 13, 2009
You Summon That Demon

Alright, well maybe Between the Buried And Me isn't that kind of metal. But goddamn, on this new album there is some guitar, my friends. Only midway through the album (6 tracks total, still clocks in at 59:30), but I can already tell the latest release owns their previous, Colors. The Great Misdirect's tight production and effortless movements keep me attentive to a degree I've never known with metal. I'll keep you posted.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Hoods Up
Giles - Logan, do you remember what we talked about last night?
Logan - Yeah, I remember
Giles - So you're not going to bitch out like every other weekend this past month?
Logan - I already told you I will try.
Giles - So when I get back from Carlton tomorrow night we're getting blacked the fuck out, right?
Logan - (with a bit of apprehension in his voice) Yeah, that's the plan.
Giles - I don't care if there are girls around that you're trying to impress or talk to. You and me are going to get so fucking blacked out that we're going to forget what time it is, our names, and how to function at a basic level. If you're able to walk or even begin to verbalize anything, you're not drunk enough.
Logan - I said I'll try, man
Giles - No. We're going to be so drunk we'll be blacker than black.We'll be so blacked out tomorrow night that Sunday morning when we wake up, we'll still be blacked out.
Me - oh god
I'm not sure I want to stay home tonight, but I feel as though I'm obligated to just so that I can document it for science even though I feel sick as hell right now.
Good times.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
No More Slappin' The Bag For Me, Stich
I'm going to be using the honor system on this one so I'm trusting that these accounts are truthful.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Remember Inside Each And Every One Of Us Is A Skeleton Fighting To Get Out
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Aw Fuck Yeah

So yeah, I just plowed through three straight weeks of hell on earth as far as classes go with a schedule of tests that never really let up and now I'm back from my mid-semester break.
I feel rested for the first time in a long while and I feel pretty solid about this next term and I'll see how it goes. That said, I'm already looking forward to Christmas break and Call of duty Modern Warfare 2. I don't plan on skipping class for that game, but we'll see what happens.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
We'll Go To The Loonie Bin Together.
Holy Shit.
I have a question for anybody who reads this blog
By the way, I own a pc.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Modern Times
I figgin' hope my grades go up with this method.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Too Soon
Monday, October 12, 2009
Fancy Sauce
In one window she had opened which upon further review is dedicated to all things cat and kitten as long as it's cute. In her other window, she was looking at her facebook profile (at least I think it was her profile because she was editing something) and her profile picture was of a cat.
I love it when this kind of stereotype ends up being true.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Proof That I Went To Lamb of God and Gwar Last Night
- When I removed my contact lenses last night, they too were stained red although they looked more pink than red once I got them out
- My ribs are bruised from being so close to the front of the crowd and being slammed by complete strangers from every direction
- My ears have been ringing for the past 22 hours (it's starting to ease up a little bit)
- My neck is sore as hell from headbanging
what a night.
Friday, October 9, 2009
This Can't End Well...
Second... I looked out my window this evening and it was snowing. Nothing major, but there was still snow. So, this might end up being a year where we skip fall altogether and get right into snow. Awesome.
Third... I'm going to a Lamb of God and Gwar concert tomorrow. Lamb of God have been a favorite of mine for a few years now even though it's difficult to explain why. The true draw is Gwar. In case you've never heard of Gwar just imagine Kiss, but way more awesome and a whole lot less lame. Sure, their music sucks, but what they lack in playing skills, original music, or any other attribute a mediocre band has, they make up for in theatrics and good old fashioned moxie.
but once that's done, I've still got 3 tests to study for next week. damn
Friday, October 2, 2009
First day
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Have Mercy
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I Am Burning Lava
Anyways, today I decided to use good ol' google and type in the first thing that comes to mind and see where it takes me.
The first thing I did was see how the various ways of spelling "boo" result in different numbers of results.
boo - 42 million results
booo - 2.8 million results
boooo - 700,000 results
boooooooooo- over 72,000 results.
Anyways, I gave up on that and I wanted to see what the urban dictionary was to "goddamnit" and I was pleasantly surprised.
And, if you want to, you can buy a coffee cup with the definition on the side.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Mick's Office
First up, I've picked up some pretty damn legit music lately and they've managed to hold up to a few listens.
Raekwon's Only Built 4 Cuban Linx… Pt. II is a gem of an album. I've always had a soft spot for the Wu-Tang Clan and this album validates everything that they were known for. I never got around to getting the first Cuban Linx, but I'm starting to regret that, because as far as East-coast rap goes, this is stellar. There are quite a few guest spots like Ghostface, Method Man, and Inspectah Deck, but somehow Raekwon always snags the highlight of each track.

I've also been listening to quite a bit Deadmau5 because his new album For Lack of A Better Name has been uploaded to his myspace recently. It is first and foremost a progressive house album so if you're a fan of the genre you'll love it. I liked his last album Random Album Title, but this one is somehow stronger and tighter than his last effort. It's a bit on the minimalistic side, but is still a worthy listen and could be my #1 electronic album of the year. Time will tell.

In other news, who needs six degrees of separation when you can get two. I just found out today that one of my roommates somehow got Minnesota Wide Receiver Percy Harvin to add him as a friend of facebook. He somehow got added back when he was still in college and isn't taking any more requests as he only had 4,500 friends total. Well, he somehow started looking on his twitter account and stumbled upon Chad Ochocinco's twitter. Yesterday, Chad made a huge mistake... he put his cell phone number on a tweet as he was replying to Britney Spears. So yeah, I've got Chad Ochocinco' phone number now.
UPDATE -- the phone number is now being forwarded to the Bengals office. damn

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Polio And AIDS Are Funny
A:It takes 2, 1 to screw in the light bulb, the other to screw the lightbulb.
Q:knock knock
A:whos there?
A:paul who?
Q:If a gay kid falls off a bridge, will he live or die?
A: I dont know, why don't you ask his AIDS?
Q:why did the sick kid cross the road?
A:To find a cure for polio
source: a really primo online petition
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I'm not a fan of musicals at all and I want to stress the "at all" part of that sentance, but low and behold I really dug this show. It's only 45 minutes long and told in three acts, but goddamn it's good.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Albums I'm Excited For...
Muse - The Resistance
Them Crooked Vultures - Never Deserved The Future
The Flaming Lips - Embryonic
Dethklok - The Dethalbum II
Say Anything - Say Anything
Every Time I Die - New Junk Aesthetic
Am I missing any?
Monday, September 7, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion
The Observable Universe
Phantom Eye Syndrome
Also, I just watched the film "Event Horizon" tonight and it was a decent sci-fi film, but it contains one of the most unsettling moments in film that I've ever experienced. I won't give anything away, but for the first time since I watched "House on Haunted Hill" when I was a 10 or 11, I'm going to have a tough time sleeping tonight... Check it out
Monday, August 24, 2009
Walkin' On The Sidewalk
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Quiltamus Maximus
In other news, the latest poll ended and apparently Kenny Powers would win the fight so here is his victory lap.
And in second place, we've got Yoshimi
Ah hell, Kenny Powers doesn't settle for just one victory lap
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Holy Snap!

and sometimes this.

and who makes songs like this (which happens to be one of about a dozen songs I could play on bass).
and who later started going around the country giving self help and motivational speeches (trust me, I heard it on NPR.) Well, he's going to drop a solo piano album that includes spontaneous improvisations (which hopefully include Morse code saying something to the effect about partying hard).
Here's a link to the first three tracks to his album "55 Cadillac"
It's pretty sweet, if only for the fact that it's Andrew W.K. behind the piano.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
So yeah, throw on some Queen or Muse or whatever music fits your mood tonight and look up.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
She's So Heavy
They're going with the name Them Crooked Vultures. I kinda like that for a name.

Here's to a good album
Monday, August 10, 2009
Long, Long, Long
The day started like any other in that I got a chicken pox immunization at the ripe old age of 20, but I digress. I went with Josh, Julie, and Jeff first to the Minneapolis Institute of Art for the first time since Junior year in AP Art History. It was as sweet as I remembered and I enjoyed myself more than I thought I would and was thoroughly impressed. As a plus, we grabbed Mick from his place as a tour guide and all around stellar host to our day. We were planning on going to the Walker Sculpture garden, but we essentially had a collective "fuck it" because the real goal of the day was fast approaching and we wanted to experience it as well as we could... Irish Fest.
It's exactly how it sounds. An Irish Fair in a park in St. Paul and it was sick as shit. There were all sorts of Irish foods to sample like cabbage, potato stew, and Guinness. We saw Irish dancing, Irish inspired face painting and of course dudes beating the shit out of each other for no apparent reason. Well, I guess there was a reason, the festival organizers decided to have boxing matches throughout the day with what I'll assume were consenting coherent semi-pro boxers who knew what day it was.
Once the boxing was done, and the sun was setting, we went towards the main stage to see The Dropkick Murpheys perform a free concert of their songs and shanties. I used to dig they quite a bit back in the day and to see them live for free was pretty damn sweet.
Highlights --
-Their rendition of "Amazing Grace" which made it's way up to the list of songs I want played at my funeral.
-Their Encore of "I'm Shipping Up To Boston" complete with some lord of the dance inspired jigs from some girls who were earlier performing to traditional music.
-Seeing an empty glass bottle of whiskey thrown from one section of the crowd to a yard behind me, smoking some poor dude in the neck/shoulder. I'm hoping he was too drunk to feel too much pain.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Hammer Smashed Face
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn
At my grandfather's neighborhood there was quite a bit of this going on. One neighbor had a garage get thrown off it's foundation and now it's like the leaning tower of Pisa only... less cultured. Another neighbor of his had a tree smash through their roof and presumably into their bedroom.
Then, there's my grandpa's place. not a fucking scratch. So, when I went over to his place to check on him (I was out of town all weekend camping) I found out that he was without power for just under 3 days. I asked him how he was and I quote.
Him - "It was Horrible, just horrible."
This Guy - "Really, are you okay? Is the house fine?"
Him - No, it was the worst thing ever. I didn't shave for days."
This Guy - "Wait, what?"
That's right, he wasn't so worried about widespread devastation or anything like that. He was pissed that he couldn't shave
Monday, July 13, 2009
F'ing A
I'm thinking about purchasing my first Beatles album. For a very long time, I didn't hate the Beatles, I just didn't care about them. That said, I think I'm ready to take the plunge.
So, I'm asking for opinions on what their best album is. Chances are, I'll buy it
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I was all like, "Whaveva' gramps, I don't give a flyin' fuck what we do, bitch." Okay maybe I didn't say that, but we went anyways and while we were there one of his friends who had to have been pushing 85 came up to us and they started exchanging pleasantries and my grandpa introduced us and I was cool with that. It was what happened next that threw me off and put doubt into my mind on the human race.
The old man (apparently confusing me with a 6 year old) asked if I wanted any candy. Against my better judegement and trying to be polite, I said sure, what have you got? He then said, "Well, I've got some nigger babies if you want some."
(moment of silence while I'm trying to wrap my head around what was said)
Me- "What?"
Old Bastard - "Some Nigger babies, oh you know, it's liquorish." (shows me the bag)

Me - (more stunned silence) "No thanks." (To Grandpa) "Hey, we should leave."
I wasn't sure what I heard, but one quick Urban dictionary search showed that it was a phrase. it has over 250 thumbs up.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
He has been know to cure narcolepsy just by entering a room.
His beard alone has experienced more than a less mans entire body.
He is... the most interesting man in the world.
just a complete and utter bad ass..
that is all.. so until next time
Stay thirsty my friends
Monday, July 6, 2009
G G G G G G G G Go.
Vox mother fuckin' Pop. In yesterday's paper, there was not one, but two stellar Vox Pops.
1.) Honor thy father and thy mother, My children, nephews, nieces and grandchildren -- where are you? No visits, phone calls, cards, ect. When I pass on to the happy hunting grounds and my money has gone to those that remembered and you were forgotten on purpose -- think about it. Think tomorrow may be too late. Maybe Father's Day once a month or more often.
--What I'm getting out of this is that some crazy old coot is pissed off that his family doesn't see them that often. I have a feeling that if the person has his whole family not want to see him, he probably did something to deserve it. Who knows, this could be a racist (with a captial "R") who disabled all the channels on their TV set to not include anything that might have "those kind" featured. Or, who knows, maybe the rest of the family are just assholes.
2.) On June 18, four runners running down the 371 Brainerd bypass need an escort from two Baxter Explorer police vehicles, one fire truck and an ambulance. All these vehicles running full emergency lights. A call to the Dispatch confirms the runners are for Special Olympics Torch Run. Let's assume the drivers of these vehicles are volunteering their time. There's still an issue of public vehicles being used for a fundraiser. I know a guy who is a runner for charity. He says they're lucky to have a van follow them. This looks like a misuse of public property and funds.
-- Are you kidding me? This dude, is pissed that the SPECIAL OLYMPICS are getting a caravan to follow. This is one cold dude. I'm not sure what to even say about this one. damn.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
So Fucking Horrible.
In other news, I've been watching the shit out of the tv show Weeds. I don't know if it's the humor (which is dark) or the subject matter (which is green), but I really dig this show and am a little bummed that I'm having to play catch up with 5 seasons.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Listen, and go where it tells you. is sweet as hell.
It's good to see Charlie Murphy get some work

So I picked up my first ever audio book a couple days ago - World War Z - and this is my first ever because I heard that it was really well done. The reviews were right, the audio book rocked a whole lotta shit. The voice actors nailed it and actually had quite a few recognizable voices including Rob Reiner, , John Turturro, JĂĽrgen Prochnow, Mark fucking Hamill, and the decider Henry Rollins. That said, the book (or I guess audio) was solid and highly enjoyable plus it's about zombies so... that's a plus.
In other news, Mastodon released their second video for their Crack the Skye album, this one for Oblivion. Pretty fuckin sweet in my opinion.
Mastodon "Oblivion"
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Rugged And Unorthodox
So some 17-year-old badass named Lars Anderson from Warroad threw 201 pitches over 13 innings (striking out 18) and then won the game with a walk-off home run.
As if this weren't enough, young Lars bears an uncanny resemblance to our own Nick Anderson:

Monday, June 1, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009

So yeah, here's one of the sweetest sporting events in the history of the world. It's essentially a group of people getting a round hunk of cheese and hurling it down a mother fucking hill and trying to catch it. Thing is, it's a huge piece of cheese weighing something like 8 pounds. The Hill? oh right, the hill is massive and has a grade like a banshee.
Do people get hurt? Like any sporting event worth watching, yeah. Is it worth it? You're damned right as long as you aren't lactose intolerant.
My favorite photo? #8.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I went to see Terminator Salvation last night and...
Fingers crossed for Transformers Revenge of the Fallen.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I've got an Ahab
Overall, (with the exception of Anatomy (fuck anatomy)) I felt like the year in the academic sense was a success. I learned quite a bit and for the most part it was because I genuinely wanted to learn what was being taught in my classes so in that sense I can say I had a pretty good group of professors. One down note to mention -- I still haven't the slightest clue on grammar.
On the social aspect of this past year, I really think I hit my stride. I didn't dig my freshman year a whole lot and I had a tough time to be honest, but whatever it was I managed to find my place at Concordia and had a good time. I made quite a few friends, and they were good friendships, not the kind where I know a person simply as "bro" or "dude" or "motha' fucka'" and help them cheat on math tests. It's been a good year.
Anyways, I'm back home now and tying to find some work for myself, but I haven't had any luck yet. That said, I've been rocking the shit out of Diablo II and I've made a huge mistake. I thought it would be a relatively short game (or at most 25 hours), but shit, dude it's really long and really fun. Today, I tried to break the monotony of Diablo and catching up on season 8 of Scrubs by taking a bit of a fun run and for not being physically active in god knows how long it went well. I knew that This American Life episodes are just under an hour long so I managed to have a nice little jog and listen to a whole episode.
Things I'm excited for this summer...
- Terminator Salvation (even though it's directed by McG and PG-13)
- Star Trek (why not?)
- The Field's new album "Yesterday & Today"
- fires on the beach
Monday, May 4, 2009
For those of you who read this blog -
If so, when?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Midway through my sociology final, I thought of this onion video I had seen earlier in the week because it was going so well. enjoy
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Tonight I took my first final of the semester and it sucked. it sucked a whole lotta dick to be completely honest. It was in Anatomy 306 and I thought I knew my shit, but i was wrong. For an essay question it asked something along the lines of how could the endocrine system control the female menstrual cycle and I drew the biggest blank of my life. At one point my answer took this form and I'll do my best to quote - "... which contains sensors for the water content of blood (I'm sorry, I forgot what the scientific name is for period blood.)"
yeah, I wrote that on a test.
Anyways, other than anatomy life has been sweet and I managed to survive another weekend. more to come
Monday, April 20, 2009

I disagreed. While I was too lazy to create an account, I wrote my own anonymous response to the review on their site, where I gave it 4 out of 5. This can be found at the below the Herald's review. The bastards inserted a question mark and screwed the grammar up on one sentence before allowing my comment. I fuckin' proof read, bitches.
The Onion gave it a solid B, so definitely check it out. Thanks for letting me know about this one, Stich.
On another Onion note, I'm thinking I may have to purchase Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, the one book review published in the latest print edition. Evidently some dude rather seamlessly integrated zombies, ultraviolence, and ninja training into this pansy-ass classic and favorite of Mr. Hewitt. The paper (founded in Madison, of course) bestowed an A upon the work; and a chick wrote the review, so I figure it must be legit.

AND, last thing, one of my favorite webcomics, A Softer World, has a great comic for today (click for a larger image on the site):

Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Disappearing Sun
"At what point is a person able to qualify for the subjective label of being poor as shit?"
It doesn't matter if he docks points for that (I actually think he'll get a kick out of it. In class Wednesday we were talking about racism to day in America and he was talking about when his white mother who's a minister preaches in black churches he's always expecting somebody to jump up and say, "Cut the bullshit, whitey") I've got enough for an A anyways.
Does anybody have any music digs that they've had lately? I've got $15 burning a whole in my wallet.
p.s. On an unrelated note, I'm killing time until I get a ride to a party and I was reflecting on how long it's been since the last time I ripped it up hard (like I'm planning to do tonight) and it dawned on me that the last time was last week.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Xxzxcuzx Me
Thursday, April 2, 2009
not even kidding. I bought the film and so should youl
I'm not even kidding.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Yo Yo Yo
It's tough for me right now because this is the first time in a long time where I'm bored as shit and just want something to do. I'm so used to either A) studying my ass off for tests at school or 2) working said ass off at my various places of employment. I'm caught in a sort of limbo now where I'm pretty much worthless and the best I can do is pwn newbz on Call of Duty 4 and that is a sad, sad thought.
Oh well, I guess I'll see how this goes. Any recommendations for good movies to rent/go see or albums to pirate?
p.s. I just woke up 20 minutes ago at 12:38 in the afternoon. Boo-yah
Thursday, March 26, 2009
the river was supposed to crest at 40 feet. then 41 feet. now it's cresting at 43 feet and a lot of moorhead is pretty much fucked. Fargo and Moorhead are both in federal states of emergency and Concordia even declared an emergency and we're being asked to evacuate tonight or tomorrow at the latest. damn.
The city has stopped all bagging and most of south moorhead is to be evacuated by 6 a.m. so even tho I still want to help, i just can't anymore.
I ask for anyone who reads this blog to toast a drink to moorhead. i know i will
No Escape
Anyways, I wanted to draw everyone's attention to my good friend's new blog Where The Wild Things Are. I'll set up a link on the left-hand side of this blog later tonight too, but check it out.
P.S. Crack the Skye is sick as shit. Buy it.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A gentleman, if I ever saw one
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
A Ridiculous Essay About The Deadliest Sniper Of All Time

Now when you think of Finland, the phrase "military powerhouse" isn't exactly the first thing that pops into your head. Likewise, when you looked at Simo Häyhä, a slight-framed Finnish farmer who didn't stand an inch over five feet tall, you also probably didn't think "total fucking unstoppable badass". Well let's just say that first impressions can be deceiving.
Simo was a member of a Finnish organization roughly equivalent to the minutemen of the American Revolution. He had done his state-mandated one-year term in the Finnish Army, reaching the rank of corporal, and was living a peaceful life in a farming village not far from the Russian border, spending his days farming, hunting, and crushing giant logs into sawdust with his bare hands. When the Soviets crossed the border into Finland with the expressed purpose of busting Finnish heads, Simo was called up into service. He went out to the wood shed behind his house, grabbed his old-school Russian-made Mosin-Nagant M28/30 rifle and headed out to take some commies behind a proverbial woodshed of his own."
moreTuesday, March 17, 2009
I'm Trying But...
Monday, March 16, 2009
Hugging with closed fists
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just for a bit of back story, this was in an Irish pub in Paris about 3 blocks away from Notre Dame. The bartender (not pictured) was playing David Bowie and some Billy Joel. The man that Darin is embracing is a Frenchman who was blackout drunk and decided to join Darin in dropping his pants.
In other news I began reading 2666 based off of a recommendation and I'm very impressed so far. Does anybody know anything about it and can explain it a little bit without any spoilers because this is a blind read and I know nothing about it.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
There Was Piss Everywhere
It starts with an ominous intro with galloping horses and as far as I can tell lasers and explosions. It's also full of synthesizers which are in many cases a hindrance to a song, but not with this song, they're used subtly and help the track along it's journey. Lyrically, it's top notch and here's an excerpt from the chorus
"No one's gonna take me alive
The time has come to make things right"
Plus, the bass line hangs out the entire song mimics the sound of horses which is a nice touch. However, as cool as the track is up to this point is only about a 7.2 and it's at 3:17 when the track becomes perfect. The layered vocals with both lower register and falsetto singing and the slowly building guitar, drum, and synth all come to fruition at 4:13 when the closest thing to a face melting riff takes no prisoners.
I can remember the first time I heard this song and it was while driving in the middle of the night in a relatively secluded area. I'm not sure if it was the environment I was in or if I was just really receptive that night, but I fell in love with the track and to this day whenever it comes on I have to resist the urge to sing along at the top of my lungs. I can't say that about very many songs.
Do you have any perfect tracks of your own?
study break
"At approximately 6:40 PM today, Monday, February 16, 2009 a male subject
was observed exposing himself and masturbating on the second floor of the
NDSU Library.
The suspect is described as a black male, clean shaven, in his mid-20's,
trim build about 5 foot 10 inches, nicely dressed in a khaki colored hip
length jacket, with a dark plaid golf hat, dark gray pants, with a black
laptop case over his shoulder.
There were no words spoken nor were there any physical acts or threats
towards anyone in the Library.
Anyone having information relating to this suspect is urged to contact the
NDSU University Police at 701-231-8998.
This transmission is authorized by the University Police and is being
transmitted by the Communications Call Center."
P.s... check this out it looks sweet
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Was that a fucking yeti?
It's going to be a pretty good couple of months between this, the new Chimaira album,
and the film Miss March... To be honest, the spring is looking just a little bit brighter than normal
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Unclench your fists, asshole

I wouldn't use the album insert to wipe my ass. With just their second release on a major label, it's clear LOG is selling out.

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Son of a bitch. I just remembered that tomorrow is the last day I've got aerobic walking class which is exactly how it sounds. walking. for an hour at a time. graded.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Rusted Wheel
In other news I watched the film "Role Models" which stars Paul Rudd and Sean William Scott and it was the most entertaining comedy I've seen in quite a while. If you're the kind of person that's a fan of vulgarities and more importantly vulgarities committed by 10 year old kids, you just might dig this movie.
I realized that I leave for Europe on Saturday morning so that's 3 days away so I'm really pumped for that. That said, because nobody else really posts on this pile of a blog, it's looking like it'll be going on a 10 day hiatus, but I'm confident it'll be back to full force once I get my ass un-jetlagged.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Don't Worry, I'm Way Ahead Of You
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I feel safe in saying that yesterday was the biggest bummer of a day of class in my life. It's been raining and gloomy as hell for the past few days in Moorhead and in my developmental psych class we started the unit on death and dying which was a bummer of a way to start and 8:00 a.m. class. Then, in Nursing we were going over liability and all the ways we can fuck up and get our asses sued for negligence and malpractice. sweet.
In brighter news, I watched "The Wrestler" and it's a damn good movie. I can't say shit about it being the best film of the year because I haven't managed to watch any of the best film nominations, but I can say with some confidence that Mickey Rourke killed the role of an aging professional wrestler. It's not a movie to bring the kids to, but it's a good one.
Oh yeah, I leave for Europe in a week and a half so that's something else I'm pumped about. Does anybody know anything about how the electricity works over there? Do I need a converter for all electronics or just ones that are basic and lack killswitches? My plan of bringing jello shots on the plane got shot to hell when I found out that I can only bring 3 oz on the plane, but I'll give a more detailed account of that plan later.
Monday, February 2, 2009

"There is a paraplegic and the only way that he can go anywhere is if he astral travels. He goes out of his body, into outer space and a bit like Icarus, he goes too close to the sun, burning off the golden umbilical cord that is attached to his solar plexus. So he is in outer space and he is lost, he gets sucked into a wormhole, he ends up in the spirit realm and he talks to spirits telling them that he is not really dead. So they send him to the Russian cult, they use him in a divination and they find out his problem. They decide they are going to help him. They put his soul inside Rasputin's body. Rasputin goes to usurp the czar and he is murdered. The two souls fly out of Rasputin's body through the crack in the sky(e) and Rasputin is the wise man that is trying to lead the child home to his body because his parents have discovered him by now and think that he is dead. Rasputin needs to get him back into his body before it's too late. But they end up running into the Devil along the way and the Devil tries to steal their souls and bring them down…there are some obstacles along the way." – Brann Dailor
It wouldn't bee too much of a stretch of the imagination to assume that about a third of the viewers are people ripped out of their skulls who stumbled upon the puppy bowl only to be unable to turn the channel.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
...And We're Back
Monday, January 26, 2009
A Song For Our Fathers
Some of the other people in the class were talking about wearing their shirts backwards or eating supper with their hands or staring at strangers. I'm not going to go down so easy.
I plan on setting up shop right outside the schools chapel while wearing this shirt and with a portable iPod player cranking out Slayer's "Reign in Blood" right as it lets out (I'm not quite sure which track yet).
Will I get a lot of angry looks? I sure hope so, otherwise I wouldn't be violating a social norm to its fullest extent. Will I go to hell? That is to be seen.
Did I mention that I go to a Lutheran college?
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Somebody had to do it
I also knew that there was once a man named John Rambo and he faced odds that were just about on par with the ones I was facing and that game me some solace. I also knew that I had to step up and be a man and that's just what I did. I ran train and won and I did it the fair way (I didn't hide any of the competitors cans under the furnace or soaking with some spent Uranium rods).
The best part is that I feel like a champion today and nothing can take that away from me. I guess it was also nice that I didn't freeze to death last night. that's another plus