The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Holy Snap!

Everybody knows who Andrew W.K. is, right? The guy who looks like this.

and sometimes this.

and who makes songs like this (which happens to be one of about a dozen songs I could play on bass).

and who later started going around the country giving self help and motivational speeches (trust me, I heard it on NPR.) Well, he's going to drop a solo piano album that includes spontaneous improvisations (which hopefully include Morse code saying something to the effect about partying hard).

Here's a link to the first three tracks to his album "55 Cadillac"

It's pretty sweet, if only for the fact that it's Andrew W.K. behind the piano.


constant_k said...

the crickets and engine rumbles are lame, but i can dig his energy and melodic flow

royalewithcheese_ said...

agreed. I was expecting that midway through I would start hearing blaring guitars and drums and have him start singing about how great he is at partying, but it never happened.

For Vanities sake

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