After purchasing the new Lamb of God album
Wrath, I've got to say, it's one big letdown. Sure the riffs are there, but they sure as hell aren't played out long enough. Sure the album is "crafted" like any big-time producer can, but where is the rugged individualism we've come to love and expect from this metal staple? The pioneering of new frontiers instead of the same old shit we've heard from every metal band in the last five years?

I wouldn't use the album insert to wipe my ass. With just their second release on a major label, it's clear LOG is selling out.

I would have given it a 7/10, but then again I really dig LoG so I'll let it slide. I wouldn't say they sold out as much as attempted to broaden their sound and slow it down a bit a la Pantera.
I wasn't really sure how long to let you stew over this, and I don't want it to detract from the album for you – I wuz jus' fuckin' wit' u.
It's a fantastic album, and I don't think the Onion was far off when they gave it an A.
It's all true, I was witness to it all. He did it all just to see a part of you die inside when he blogged about it first. What can you say Stich, the man knows you. So, with that aside, what would you REALLY rate it Stich?
note the label: blowin' up your spot.
nicely played effing with my emotions. I stick with my 7/10 because for as well produced as it is it just lacks the knock out tracks like they had on older albums. Also, this album has the first "filler" track that I've heard on any of their albums with fake massiah.
That said, the riffs are still stellar and it's great to actually hear the bass which is rare in any metal album. I'm also still trying to get used to Randy's higher register screams... I don't quite dig it yet, but we'll see
I take it back, it's an 8/10
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