The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Yo Yo Yo

Well my parents are on holiday right now and they're spending just under two weeks on the bright and sunny beaches of Cancun, Mexico. As best as I can tell, I don't have school until April 6th so I've been doing what I do best... bumming off of other people's couches so I can't complain a whole lot.

It's tough for me right now because this is the first time in a long time where I'm bored as shit and just want something to do. I'm so used to either A) studying my ass off for tests at school or 2) working said ass off at my various places of employment. I'm caught in a sort of limbo now where I'm pretty much worthless and the best I can do is pwn newbz on Call of Duty 4 and that is a sad, sad thought.

Oh well, I guess I'll see how this goes. Any recommendations for good movies to rent/go see or albums to pirate?

p.s. I just woke up 20 minutes ago at 12:38 in the afternoon. Boo-yah


3_the_hard_way said...

If you haven't already, read Watchmen then watch the movie. And I really do mean it, when I say you should read the novel before watching the movie, or else you might be a little disappointed.

In a totally opposite direction, do not watch the movie My Name is Bruce. I thought I would enjoy it because Bruce Campbell is the man. Boy was I wrong... To be fair, Bruce Campbell was still awesome, but everyone else in the movie sucks, the story sucks even more, not to mention Bruce's direction sucks immensely.

As a side note, if you watch this movie, you will then know what I would look like if I dressed as a goth...

royalewithcheese_ said...

I've actually already read the watchmen and checked out the film. If I wouldn't have read the book, I wouldn't have had a clue what was going on, but it was alright and I'm glad I went to it in theatres.

I remember hearing about My Name is Bruce a while ago and I didn't really have a whole lot of initiative in watching it, but who knows I might check it out sometime.

If we're on the topic of shitty movies check out The Room. Trust me dude, it's worth it

For Vanities sake

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