I was all like, "Whaveva' gramps, I don't give a flyin' fuck what we do, bitch." Okay maybe I didn't say that, but we went anyways and while we were there one of his friends who had to have been pushing 85 came up to us and they started exchanging pleasantries and my grandpa introduced us and I was cool with that. It was what happened next that threw me off and put doubt into my mind on the human race.
The old man (apparently confusing me with a 6 year old) asked if I wanted any candy. Against my better judegement and trying to be polite, I said sure, what have you got? He then said, "Well, I've got some nigger babies if you want some."
(moment of silence while I'm trying to wrap my head around what was said)
Me- "What?"
Old Bastard - "Some Nigger babies, oh you know, it's liquorish." (shows me the bag)

Me - (more stunned silence) "No thanks." (To Grandpa) "Hey, we should leave."
I wasn't sure what I heard, but one quick Urban dictionary search showed that it was a phrase. it has over 250 thumbs up.
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