The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Friday, October 9, 2009

This Can't End Well...

First things first-- this week was hard as hell. I busted a major amount of ass, and as a result, I'm tired as hell.

Second... I looked out my window this evening and it was snowing. Nothing major, but there was still snow. So, this might end up being a year where we skip fall altogether and get right into snow. Awesome.

Third... I'm going to a Lamb of God and Gwar concert tomorrow. Lamb of God have been a favorite of mine for a few years now even though it's difficult to explain why. The true draw is Gwar. In case you've never heard of Gwar just imagine Kiss, but way more awesome and a whole lot less lame. Sure, their music sucks, but what they lack in playing skills, original music, or any other attribute a mediocre band has, they make up for in theatrics and good old fashioned moxie.

but once that's done, I've still got 3 tests to study for next week. damn


constant_k said...

man in the beavis and butthead video game for sega genesis you spent all your time trying to score tickets to a Gwar show.

royalewithcheese_ said...

you get some stiche dollars for that tidbit.

constant_k said...


For Vanities sake

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