I disagreed. While I was too lazy to create an account, I wrote my own anonymous response to the review on their site, where I gave it 4 out of 5. This can be found at the below the Herald's review. The bastards inserted a question mark and screwed the grammar up on one sentence before allowing my comment. I fuckin' proof read, bitches.
The Onion gave it a solid B, so definitely check it out. Thanks for letting me know about this one, Stich.
On another Onion note, I'm thinking I may have to purchase Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, the one book review published in the latest print edition. Evidently some dude rather seamlessly integrated zombies, ultraviolence, and ninja training into this pansy-ass classic and favorite of Mr. Hewitt. The paper (founded in Madison, of course) bestowed an A upon the work; and a chick wrote the review, so I figure it must be legit.

AND, last thing, one of my favorite webcomics, A Softer World, has a great comic for today (click for a larger image on the site):

I agree with the ranking for Swoon, and I'll probably buy the Pride and Prejudice and Zombies book when I get World War Z on Amazon.
Cam - any electronic recommendations?
Boards of Canada's Music Has the Right to Children is actually pretty good, and is the only album Pitchfork has given a 10.0 to...
I'm pretty into MGMT. It's got a good dance beat
I'm not sure if you know electric president or Erlend Øye
Frou Frou and Imogen Heap (same artist) still get a lot of play time from me
M83 and Mezzanine by Massive Attack are must haves
and Röyksopp has a new album coming out which I desire
ok actually the album is out now and I shall have to buy it
the Pet Shop Boys have a new album too, which I would like
Alright another update: I bought Junior by Röyksopp, and it's pretty mean dance music
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