This is the front of a T shirt from threadless.com and I bought it the other day. I bought it because it is undeniably the most metal shirt I've ever seen and I've seen quite a few of them. Just to put it into perspective, it's a naked woman holding a battle axe riding a dragon that's shooting a skull fireball to kill a unicorn. yeah, I know.
That said, I wanted to turn this into another caption contest so whoever comes up with the best name for the shirt design or caption by any of the subjects in the shirt will win some stiche dollars.
As a heads up, the real title of this is "The Last F*ckin Unicorn." You all have some big shoes to fill
"suck on that one tiiiimmmmmmmmee"-pauly shore
ya that just happened i quoted pauly shore....
Above: an artist's conception of what I did to your mom last night.
"I've made a huge mistake."
-The Unicorn
points for everybody because it came in the mail today
yes! julie wins points too!
Do I know Jules?
I don't know Jules.
Jules is Julie Tertin.
That said, I just made the 18,000 hit and don't care that half of them are probably from me
i like "mid-murder of the sweetest kind."
why'z the phone always gotta ring mid-murder. murderous interruptus.
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