The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Death By Deer

Against my best interests, I'll do a quick post.

A while ago in Bio we were working on the reproductive system and some of the things that were said in class were so good that I had to write them down. Because it was 8 in the morning, I didn't remember that I had written these gems down until now, when I'm studying my ass off for the final tomorrow. Enjoy

Dr. D started class off by saying something to the effect of "No matter how old you are, some things will always be inherently funny. Like Penis or Vagina or my personal favorite; Erectile Dysfunction."

We all chuckled because she was trying her darnedest to break the ice and loosen us all up for god knows what when a kid to my immediate left replied, "So do you mean LDS?"

Dr. D - "LDS? I'm not quite familiar with that."
Kid to left - " Oh, you know, LDS. Limp Dick Syndrome."

There was about 5 seconds of just silence before Dr. D started laughing hystericly and like the tired sheep we are, joined in too.

There were more exchanges throughout the class about testes and what happens during birth at the hormone level, and even a little snippet of her child birthing experiece culmonating with her causing her husband to bleed from squeezing so hard and screaming "Don't you ever fucking touch me again" (she slipped).

The best part though was when Dr. D was talking about how the fetus when it becomes large, puts a lot of pressure on the bladder. Dr. D is all about us making the connections between the body (lazy) so she asked "What is it that pregnant women do as a result of this".

Some winner in the back replied "Well, don't they wet their pants all the time?"

some people.

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