The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Porkchop Sandwiches

yeah. I'm almost done with school. I've got two finals tomorrow and then because of a school loophole, I'm able to take my third final (which was supposed to be tomorrow as well) on Thursday so that's nice.

Because I didn't plan nearly well enough for finals I've been going to bed late and waking up early for a while which isn't too bad, but after this long it's strating to get to me. I'm not too good at dealing with being tired (narcolepsy says what?). I've slowly been building up a wicked addiction to caffine all year and now it's getting to be not all that funny anymore. Since Sunday I've drank a case of Diet Dr Pepper and about 10 bottles of Vault. shit. fuck it.

Speaking of being addicted to uppers I figured I would throw this out there. There might be a Crank 2 coming out in the near future staring Jason Statham again and it supposedly takes place right after the first one. As in it takes place right after he fell out of a god damn plane and smoked the ground. I don't know what to think of this but I can only hope that this is real just because I want to someday meet the exec. who green lit the film.

I'll leave with this. Everybody has a video or two that they can watch countless times on youtube or college humor, and I've got one too. It always manages to make me smile no matter how stressed or confused I am (which is more and more often as time goes on) so please check it out and I promise it's not a rick roll.

EDIT - I brought my xbox 360 home last time I went back just because I knew I would piss away my finals playing GTA IV. I can't fuckin' wait to get done then waste my summer away playing it.

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