The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Phoenix in Flight

It's been a pretty crazy week, but it's finally all over and time to start a new one so how about a recap.

I can rarely remember any of my dreams for some reason so I might remember one or two out of every three month span which I can't really complain with. That all changed though on Tuesday night when I managed to have a hell of a dream...
It all started on what I could only guess was a Friday night and I was in the dorms with some of my friends and we were all bored as hell and wanted something to do. Just then out of nowhere, Jungles came in the room and his face was just a massive grin as though he knew our predicament and wanted to help us out. He said that he knew a bad ass place to party and all we had to do was follow him so me being the drunk I am had no choice but to follow. We went downstairs to Grant Center (as low as you can go in the dorms) and we started snaking through a bunch of narrow hallways and soon enough we came to a dead end, but it wasn't a total dead end.

There was a little "John Malckovich" doorway and sure enough we all piled in after Jungles because we had gone too far to quit now, right? After about a minute of crawling, we come out in a basement and when I ask just where the fuck we are Jungles tells us that it's an old abandoned house in the middle of nowhere and that people come here all the time to party (it never occurred to me that a minute of crawling can only get me so far). Sure enough, the place was hopping and for being an old abandoned house managed to have a bad ass sound system playing Deltron 3030 all night with a pool table and hot tub in a few of the rooms. Needless to say the party was fucking awesome.

Well, it was awesome for a while. All of the sudden the front door opens and an old couple walk in the house carrying a bunch of luggage and bags and they look scared as hell. It turns out that it wasn't an abandoned house, rather it was a nice little house owned by a retired couple and they had been traveling Europe for the past winter and had decided to come home in the middle of a Friday night. Shit... There was complete pandemonium and everybody takes off booking in every direction and as this is all happening I trip on an empty 40 and smoke my head on a table.

By the time I wake up there are cops everywhere and I'm not just talking normal cops in blue, but SWAT along with a group dressed in riot gear. I noticed something that didn't seem odd at the time, but every single cop had an old school baton and were all twirling them at the same time. Weird, I know. Anyways the cops decide to royally fuck me and immediately cuff me as soon as I come to and they're asking me all these questions but they're talking way too fast for me to be able to answer a single one of them so they say "Fuck it, I guess you're excited to meet a soul mate in the Jail" and to my horror they start taking me to the back of a cop car.

Just as they're putting me into the back seat I see a helicopter land about 20 feet from me and I don't know what to think. Out of nowhere the Governor gets out of the helicopter and goes over to the cop that's arresting me and tells him to uncuff me. I'm confused as hell right now because this dude isn't Tim Pawlenty and I was sure for some reason that I was in Minnesota, but I didn't question it because I didn't want a B&E and minor on the same night. He told me to come over to him and he got really close to me and said "you get this one for free, kid. Next one and you won't be so lucky." All I remember thinking to myself was "are you fucking kidding me, that's it?" Whatever, I guess it makes sense.

In other news....
I'm getting really close to the 10,000 hit since I put the counter in and I've gotta be honest, I didn't expect to make it past 3,000 so thanks to whoever is reading this POS.

I'm planning on seeing "Be Kind Rewind" this week and I'm really excited about it. I've started watching fan-made sweaded films and I've gotta say I'm excited. Anybody else see this movie?

Any recommendations for random shit to listen to?


sherlock said...

Check out Idiot Pilot. It's pretty sweet stuff.

3_the_hard_way said...

Dude call me up when you go to see Be Kind.

The Gimp said...

glad to hear deltron was playing

Jules said...

"faded from the winter" by iron & wine. its just one song but its a GOOD one. way laid back. kinda fits the weather too.

For Vanities sake

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