The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

That Little Guy? I Wouldn't Worry About That Little Guy.

Yeah, I'm just going to take a quick break from studying to share with the world.

I'm a fan of facebook for a handful of reasons, but my absolute favorite is finding inconsistencies in peoples profiles. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.

A friend of mine (who'll remain nameless) who I'll refer to as "Mount St. Ellens" has recently gotten back together with an old girlfriend and within 10 minutes of it becoming official between the two of them, it became official on facebook with a relationship status of "in a relationship with..." Problem was that he didn't change the very next status which was his looking for section.

It still reads "Whatever I can get".

I'm sure it was just a simple overlook, but its still funny to me to think that right after getting into a relationship he's still on the prowl for more. It might only be funny to me because of my massive sleep debt accumulated throughout the week/semester/year, but who knows.


Jules said...

oh it's official now? haha. the drama of facebook stati. (stati? really julie?)

royalewithcheese_ said...

Yeah, dude. you should have seen his neck sunday when he came back. Both sides were destoyed

For Vanities sake

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