iPod's sure are fun. They are cool to look at, have some sweet games on there (who doesn't like solitaire?), and lets face it; it's fun to say. iPod. The think I like most about mine is the shuffle function. I don't have any cd's or bands that I don't like simply to get more music on there to say I've got more songs than you or to justify paying $250 for something the size of my self respect. That said, when I throw it on shuffle, it's a great experience and I usually don't regret it.
Today something magical happened. As I was in my annex studying above the DS I put in my ear buds and let the music come right at me like Teddy Roosevelt on Roofies and Red Bull. The very first track was The Offspring's "Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)" off of their Americana album. It might have been that I didn't really want to study at all or it was an epiphany, but I was able to trace my personal musical progression from the past ten years. Let me bring you all back for a moment first though. From the time I was able to listen to the radio right up to the fourth grade I was just like everyone else listening to 104.7 KCLD and loving every mindless minute of it. I listened to Ricky Martin, The Goo Goo Dolls, and god knows what else. Then one day while on the school bus ride home I heard a song that wasn't like the other songs I had been listening to. It was none other than Pretty Fly For a White Guy and I knew I had to get that album.
It was one of the first albums that I purchased with my own money and it ended up being one of the greatest buys I've ever made. I loved every track on that album from start to end which was something new for me. Most times when I received an album for X-mas or my birthday I would listen to the singles and just skip over all the other tracks without a thought. Ameriana changed that. I loved the Pop-Punk power cord riffs, the semi-harmonization that they tried (and sometimes pulled off), and even the dirty lyrics in "Why Don't You Get a Job". When I listen to it now I realize that it's just a pop-punk album that isn't technically astounding or even that great other than for the nostalgia, but that's okay with me and ever few months or so I fire it up on the ol' iPod.
That was the first "rock" album that I purchased and from that point on there was no going back to pop music with the likes of Cristina Agilera or others like her. From there I started listening to some Red Hot Chili Peppers and then I found my moms old Pearl Jam and Nirvana collection which drew me in more and more to all things rock and even a smidge of electronic music. Now I listen to, at least I think, good music that's legit. I've followed the tangent to some electronica with Fischerspooner, The Postal Service and The Chemical Brothers, some alt-rock with Muse, and Radiohead (come on, I'm in college), along with Desert music from QOTSA and Kyuss, the musical stylings of metal with Shadows Fall, Lamb of God, and Alice in Chains along with the classics by Bob Dylan (Fuck it, I don't care about run-on sentences). All this started from one band. Sweet.
I need a life
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Find Chuck Norris
I don't know, some of you may have seen this before, and Chuck Norris jokes are pretty old, but this is pretty clever.
See what pops up.
You Never Know What's Inside?

Saturday, January 26, 2008
My Lighter Is Held Down By My Thumb
It's Saturday evening and I'm taking a break from all of my homework to keep a little sanity going (just enough not to drop trow and piss in the local American Eagle store). This is just going to be a little guy because I want to update on a couple of things and not too much more so I'll begin with that.
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was going to see Juno and I sure did. It was quite entertaining for all the reasons everyone has already brought up and the only think I thought was missing was a single scene with Michael Cera and Jason Bateman. It would have been nice if they were in the same room together once and see one of them give a little nod or even a wink even thought it wouldn't have made any sense in the film. This morning I ended up going to There Will Be Blood and I'm still not exactly sure what to think or say about it other than it was great. Next time I play beer pong and get on a roll or make them send it back I'll throw in " I drink your milkshake! I drink it up! " line even thought I'll get no response other than some whispers that I'm belligerent which will more than likely be true. I'm going to say that both Juno and There Will Be Blood were very enjoyable for totally different reasons and suggest that anyone who hasn't seen either to do so.
And just to show that no good deed goes undone, the most bad ass 16 year old from Australia, Corey Worthington got his own t-shirt from busted tees that I'm seriously thinking about buying. I usually hate novelty t-shirt, but this is the first one I've ever actually wanted.

Come on, look at that face.
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was going to see Juno and I sure did. It was quite entertaining for all the reasons everyone has already brought up and the only think I thought was missing was a single scene with Michael Cera and Jason Bateman. It would have been nice if they were in the same room together once and see one of them give a little nod or even a wink even thought it wouldn't have made any sense in the film. This morning I ended up going to There Will Be Blood and I'm still not exactly sure what to think or say about it other than it was great. Next time I play beer pong and get on a roll or make them send it back I'll throw in " I drink your milkshake! I drink it up! " line even thought I'll get no response other than some whispers that I'm belligerent which will more than likely be true. I'm going to say that both Juno and There Will Be Blood were very enjoyable for totally different reasons and suggest that anyone who hasn't seen either to do so.
And just to show that no good deed goes undone, the most bad ass 16 year old from Australia, Corey Worthington got his own t-shirt from busted tees that I'm seriously thinking about buying. I usually hate novelty t-shirt, but this is the first one I've ever actually wanted.

Come on, look at that face.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Jordan, Just Trust Me
My friend, buy this album. Do NOT hesitate - do it, and do it now. I promise you shan't regret it. "Happy Birthday!" by the German production duo Modeselektor not only features Thom Yorke on their most ambient track, but they've got some kick-ass French rap and ridiculously fun beats ubiquitously.

To fully emphasize this point, I don't know if I even enjoyed Kenna's most recent work as much as this album.
For the rest of you: if you experience nothing else, experience "Dark Side of the Sun." Turn up the bass, hit play, and dance.

To fully emphasize this point, I don't know if I even enjoyed Kenna's most recent work as much as this album.
For the rest of you: if you experience nothing else, experience "Dark Side of the Sun." Turn up the bass, hit play, and dance.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Iron Chef
The film "Superbad" managed to resonate in my being in countless ways. It was about kids who were about to leave for college (kinda like me), all about making it to a party with a shit ton of booze (I have a drinking problem(kinda)), and cursed a shit ton (check).
One thing that was especially funny to me was Seth's drawings of dicks, or "phallographics" if you will, even thought it was just a bunch of 2-d penis'. Well for everyone out there who just can't get enough of that man meat check this shit out.

I pray to god that this is legit and not just a marketing campaign targeted at those of us who haven't bought the DVD. Can someone say "Christmas"?
One thing that was especially funny to me was Seth's drawings of dicks, or "phallographics" if you will, even thought it was just a bunch of 2-d penis'. Well for everyone out there who just can't get enough of that man meat check this shit out.

I pray to god that this is legit and not just a marketing campaign targeted at those of us who haven't bought the DVD. Can someone say "Christmas"?
"40oz. to Freedom," truer words were never said
This Saturday night as i was out of alcohol and wondering what to purchase for the night to come, i decided to be a bit racie. i purchased not the normal "dirty thirty" of keystones, or the bottle of Ron Diaz,but rather two mickey's brand 40s. upon this purchase i was curious to whether or not i likew this. because this was my first purchased 40. i had sipped on other before and liked was able to tolerate them, so i thought why not. when i got these beauties in hand they felt great to hold, and much to my surprise they were cheaper than i expected. and nothing is better than drinking from a brown paper bag.the purchase of these honies only cost me five dollars. that's right i said five dollars. what a deal! i mean 80 oz of premium malt liquor for dirt cheap. i couldn't believe it myself. so the moral of this story is to go out and try new things. i did and i made a new friend Saturday that will be with me for a lifetime,or run out out of money.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Open Up My Eager Eyes
The election will be held in several months for the presidency, but it's already over. Pete Wentz (one of the dudes from Fall Out Boy) has officially backed Barack Obama in his bid to become president which has undoubtedly mobilized the 12-16 female/slightly feminine/troy viau voter population. With such a large and influential demographic among Obama's ranks, there is little to no chance for any of the other Democratic Candidates let alone anyone from the Republican side. The only candiate who has any chance is John McCain who's only chance is to finally gain the support of Joel Madden (from Good Charlotte), who he's been despratly seeking for the better part of 2 years.
The link to the article can be found here . I just wanted to let you guys know so that none of you would waste any time trying to fight such an omnipotent fundraising force.
The link to the article can be found here . I just wanted to let you guys know so that none of you would waste any time trying to fight such an omnipotent fundraising force.
F reflexive verbs
I've never liked Spanish all that much. In high school I took just enough to get my two years in then quit like the quitting quitter I am. My best memories of high school Spanish were cheating in the back of the class in Sra. Swaggart (or is is Swagert?)and throwing things up the vent that sucked air in it (trust me it was good fun). In Concordia, we're required to take a year of Spanish that would probably be easy on most people but like I said, I don't like it so it's a constant struggle to understand it let alone create thoughts in that damn language.
My first semester was taught by Dr. Eduardo Gargurevich (his dad is from Yugoslavia and his mom is from Italy, but he was born in Peru so he knew his shit) and he almost restored my faith in the language that had been dead to me for so long. He was a funny motherfucker who called us gringos and showed us music videos on You tube all the time that had nothing to do with learning the language. Most of them consisted of his favorite music videos at the time and he made no attempt to lie to us about that. He ended up teaching us a shit ton and what blew me away was that I liked it.
Well, that couldn't last now could it? Now that I've begun my second semester, I got hooked up with Sra. Rehm who is about 25 and from Fargo and also teaches high school Spanish. She has us play tic tac toe with vocab and has us do skits about problems in a restaurant (Que es la problema?). Needless to say, she is the Gringo that Eduardo had been so persistent in his attempts to stamp out of us. On the first day of class She had us choose names from a list that she had chosen for us to use for the semester (eduardo called us by our real name because as he saw it "it's retarded to use a name that's only going to be useful in this room"). There was a sizable list of some half passable ones like "Tito", "Nacho", "Paco", "Jesus", and others. Because my last name is Stich I was just about the last guy to choose and all the ones I had mentioned had been taken. When my name was called I scanned through the list and found one that I could live with... Oscar. My only reason for choosing this name was the fact that I had watched two episodes of "Arrested Development" the night before and thought of **SPOILER** the father of Buster Bluth, Oscar.

I'm not even kidding when I say it was my only reason. Too bad Franklin Delano doesn't sound remotely Latino...
My first semester was taught by Dr. Eduardo Gargurevich (his dad is from Yugoslavia and his mom is from Italy, but he was born in Peru so he knew his shit) and he almost restored my faith in the language that had been dead to me for so long. He was a funny motherfucker who called us gringos and showed us music videos on You tube all the time that had nothing to do with learning the language. Most of them consisted of his favorite music videos at the time and he made no attempt to lie to us about that. He ended up teaching us a shit ton and what blew me away was that I liked it.
Well, that couldn't last now could it? Now that I've begun my second semester, I got hooked up with Sra. Rehm who is about 25 and from Fargo and also teaches high school Spanish. She has us play tic tac toe with vocab and has us do skits about problems in a restaurant (Que es la problema?). Needless to say, she is the Gringo that Eduardo had been so persistent in his attempts to stamp out of us. On the first day of class She had us choose names from a list that she had chosen for us to use for the semester (eduardo called us by our real name because as he saw it "it's retarded to use a name that's only going to be useful in this room"). There was a sizable list of some half passable ones like "Tito", "Nacho", "Paco", "Jesus", and others. Because my last name is Stich I was just about the last guy to choose and all the ones I had mentioned had been taken. When my name was called I scanned through the list and found one that I could live with... Oscar. My only reason for choosing this name was the fact that I had watched two episodes of "Arrested Development" the night before and thought of **SPOILER** the father of Buster Bluth, Oscar.

I'm not even kidding when I say it was my only reason. Too bad Franklin Delano doesn't sound remotely Latino...
Friday, January 18, 2008
Aspire pt. 3
The last post was really good so I'm doing a caption contest to bring the attention back to myself. You know the drill, write in your best caption to win some points.

Now that I think of it there were at least three contributors at that party and it sure was fun.

EDIT- The caption contest is only on the first photo. I threw in the tank engine just as a joke, but if you really want to you can make a caption for that too

Now that I think of it there were at least three contributors at that party and it sure was fun.

EDIT- The caption contest is only on the first photo. I threw in the tank engine just as a joke, but if you really want to you can make a caption for that too
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Let it Bleed Pt. 1
Let me tell you a story of the most epic nature.
It all started on a bright cold day in January, with the clocks striking thirteen. A man of a very thin stature walks down a cold and lonesome street. Left, then right, his grizzled face stares into emptiness. "Only three more miles till home," he keeps muttering.
Three... oh please God come faster.
Two... why the fuck does it have to be so cold.
One... just in sight.
Stepping down the unpaved drive way, the man feels an overbearing feeling of warmth come over him. His heated house, the un-prepared chops left in the freezer... that increasingly dependent "cough medicine" his Grandpa gave him. Almost out-right euphoric.
Suddenly the man feels like something is wrong. The door's open, lights on, who is it?
The man takes one step onto the patio. BANG! An explosion rips through the homely abode, pushing the door right into the man knocking him back, ironically shielding the man from the unbearable flames. Laying in the front yard of what once was his home, he stares into the sun, with a certain distinct ringing in his ears. The sun blurs his line of sight, he cannot move. "Oh God," he thought, "I am never going to get any ass in a wheel-chair."
Finally breaking his line of sight with the impenetrable fire, he looks around and finally realizes that a door is laying on his chest. Letting out a sigh of relief, he tries to push the door off his chest. Then suddenly the door gets thrown right back at him, breaking his nose in the process.
Just then a barely visible hulk of meat peaks over staring into the bambi like eyes of the dazed citizen, and says, "Gotcha now, you Stiche."
The man had no idea who he was or why he was calling him a Stiche. About to mutter these inquiries the man gets a short jab right to the jaw, making him feel like he was in heaven. Eyes rolling back, a darkness comes over the man. "No! I don't want to leave. I think I just saw James Brown." Needless to say, James Brown was going to have to wait.
So the man is once again left into a completely errant world. Dark, opaque, nothing. The man screams for dear life. The cry echoes through the void. Suddenly a voice calls back, "What you talkin' 'bout Stichey?"
"Who is that? Why did he call me Stichey? This doesn't make sense. Am I unconscious?"
"Nope. Open your eyes, and see the masterpiece I have built."
The man opened his eyes, staring into the same hulk of meat's eyes, with another blinding background shadowing his features. "Who are you?" the man asks.
"Who I am is not important. The importance of this meeting is why you are here, Stiche. You see, you are the reason why so many of my people live in fear. With your drunken Jackie Chan style karate moves and your unbearably sexy looks, you have caused my organization a great deal. You see..."
"Wait, why are you calling me Stiche. I am not Stiche, I am..."
"Shut up prick and listen to me talk! With all of your notoriety comes
a price. Your house was only a fraction what we are going to do. Quick, give me that gun over there my friend. Now, see this gun..."
Listening to this tiresome diatribe, the man quietly prays for dear life, savoring every last minute of it. All of a sudden a shadow is cast over the once blinding background. "Did I just see a cape?" the man thought. With this thought came a sudden bang and crash of bodies hitting the floor. The big hulk of meat starts firing into the limitless sky, "Why can't I hit this bitch? Wait..."
The fat douche looks down at the bound creature, "You're not Stiche, are you?"
"You got that right cochise. Look behind you..." With that almost choreographed timing, our blond hero swings down knocking the would be attacker onto his ass. "You don't know who you are messing with, Stiche. I squatted 500 pounds."
Soon, the most epic battle would come under way.
It all started on a bright cold day in January, with the clocks striking thirteen. A man of a very thin stature walks down a cold and lonesome street. Left, then right, his grizzled face stares into emptiness. "Only three more miles till home," he keeps muttering.
Three... oh please God come faster.
Two... why the fuck does it have to be so cold.
One... just in sight.
Stepping down the unpaved drive way, the man feels an overbearing feeling of warmth come over him. His heated house, the un-prepared chops left in the freezer... that increasingly dependent "cough medicine" his Grandpa gave him. Almost out-right euphoric.
Suddenly the man feels like something is wrong. The door's open, lights on, who is it?
The man takes one step onto the patio. BANG! An explosion rips through the homely abode, pushing the door right into the man knocking him back, ironically shielding the man from the unbearable flames. Laying in the front yard of what once was his home, he stares into the sun, with a certain distinct ringing in his ears. The sun blurs his line of sight, he cannot move. "Oh God," he thought, "I am never going to get any ass in a wheel-chair."
Finally breaking his line of sight with the impenetrable fire, he looks around and finally realizes that a door is laying on his chest. Letting out a sigh of relief, he tries to push the door off his chest. Then suddenly the door gets thrown right back at him, breaking his nose in the process.
Just then a barely visible hulk of meat peaks over staring into the bambi like eyes of the dazed citizen, and says, "Gotcha now, you Stiche."
The man had no idea who he was or why he was calling him a Stiche. About to mutter these inquiries the man gets a short jab right to the jaw, making him feel like he was in heaven. Eyes rolling back, a darkness comes over the man. "No! I don't want to leave. I think I just saw James Brown." Needless to say, James Brown was going to have to wait.
So the man is once again left into a completely errant world. Dark, opaque, nothing. The man screams for dear life. The cry echoes through the void. Suddenly a voice calls back, "What you talkin' 'bout Stichey?"
"Who is that? Why did he call me Stichey? This doesn't make sense. Am I unconscious?"
"Nope. Open your eyes, and see the masterpiece I have built."
The man opened his eyes, staring into the same hulk of meat's eyes, with another blinding background shadowing his features. "Who are you?" the man asks.
"Who I am is not important. The importance of this meeting is why you are here, Stiche. You see, you are the reason why so many of my people live in fear. With your drunken Jackie Chan style karate moves and your unbearably sexy looks, you have caused my organization a great deal. You see..."
"Wait, why are you calling me Stiche. I am not Stiche, I am..."
"Shut up prick and listen to me talk! With all of your notoriety comes
a price. Your house was only a fraction what we are going to do. Quick, give me that gun over there my friend. Now, see this gun..."
Listening to this tiresome diatribe, the man quietly prays for dear life, savoring every last minute of it. All of a sudden a shadow is cast over the once blinding background. "Did I just see a cape?" the man thought. With this thought came a sudden bang and crash of bodies hitting the floor. The big hulk of meat starts firing into the limitless sky, "Why can't I hit this bitch? Wait..."
The fat douche looks down at the bound creature, "You're not Stiche, are you?"
"You got that right cochise. Look behind you..." With that almost choreographed timing, our blond hero swings down knocking the would be attacker onto his ass. "You don't know who you are messing with, Stiche. I squatted 500 pounds."
Soon, the most epic battle would come under way.
The Biggest Bad Ass/Coolest Asshole Ever (attempting to be like Stiche)
watch this kid on the news that got busted throwing a 500 person party at his house when his parents were out of town. its fucking great. this kid is a bamf and what i am aspiring to be.
Happy 5000th hit everyone. There is a good chance that about 500 or so were from me, but I'm not too worried about that. With that said, let the celebrations begin throughout the streets and into your hearts. I think this photo sums it up quite well.

Not to compare myself to the Stache blog too closely but I'm 1/15th of the way to where they ended. Sequel anybody?
Kidding, this piece of shit has noting on the stache blog

Not to compare myself to the Stache blog too closely but I'm 1/15th of the way to where they ended. Sequel anybody?
Kidding, this piece of shit has noting on the stache blog
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Fuck My Life
along with the new semester and number of other shit has come about.
for examlpe the toilet paper here is like fifty grit sand paper, it is literally tearing me a new one. i'm starting to realize what those poor bastards in livdalen (the gay dorm) have to go through all the time.
next, shitty classes that in the forst two weeks have fallen asleep numerous times and missed out on the shitty lectures that are going on at the same time.
Saturday night party got busted had to run from the cops, but i got away thankfully. bad news is that the beer that i had left in my bag got shaken up and now tastes like ass.
the last reason to fuck my life is that intermural basketball has just started. for those that know me i hate the game more than the L.A. police dept hate rodney king. but on a better note it will be interesting to see how my team will do. it consists of ten fellow offensive linemen from the football team, and we are fittingly dubbed the "Hogs." a fun fact is that our team wieghs in near one ton so hopefully we can use that to our advantage.
well that all i have to bitch about for now.
for examlpe the toilet paper here is like fifty grit sand paper, it is literally tearing me a new one. i'm starting to realize what those poor bastards in livdalen (the gay dorm) have to go through all the time.
next, shitty classes that in the forst two weeks have fallen asleep numerous times and missed out on the shitty lectures that are going on at the same time.
Saturday night party got busted had to run from the cops, but i got away thankfully. bad news is that the beer that i had left in my bag got shaken up and now tastes like ass.
the last reason to fuck my life is that intermural basketball has just started. for those that know me i hate the game more than the L.A. police dept hate rodney king. but on a better note it will be interesting to see how my team will do. it consists of ten fellow offensive linemen from the football team, and we are fittingly dubbed the "Hogs." a fun fact is that our team wieghs in near one ton so hopefully we can use that to our advantage.
well that all i have to bitch about for now.
A Master Of His Craft
I was originally planning on coming up with a little story or some semi-funny joke to go along with this, but I realized that Mr. Armstrong says it all.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
it has been a stichie night evan though i lost my fucking phone you ho. o well we will find it tommorow. its worth it for such a stiche night running from the cops. btw "fuck da police" ~ N.W.A i will leave you with that genius quote
...Wherever It Is
I don't have too much to say other than I just ran about a mile from the fuzz to get back to my dorm and now I'm just chilling in my room. In other words... it's been a Stiche night.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
God Bless America...
Because it's my first week of the new semester my classes are still on the easy side (except for biology, fuck biology) so I've had some free time to check out some music that I've been meaning to for quite a while. First up, I managed to hit up the bands that you guys mentioned and I've gotta say damn... there was some good shit on there.
I picked up a few tracks on itunes from pinback and mute math and they weren't too shabby (and you were right Kubas, "fortress" and "Good to Sea" were pretty damn amazing and I hate myself for saying it, chill). I listened to a few tracks from Scatteredtrees and Sufjan Stevens and they were alright, but just wasn't what I was ready to listen to just yet. I've gotta throw a shout out to Cameron for "The Red Paintings" because they are one of the best and most inventive bands I've listened to in some time. The Red Paintings are a band that I can just connect to for some reason and they were just far enough out there to still be accessible to a person like me who as we all know is just a strait up cold blooded fool. That said Cameron gets 10 stiche dollars.
I also managed to pick up a couple albums that I've been meaning to get for quite a while, Killswitch Engage's "The End Of Heartache" and The Queens Of The Stone Age's "Era Vulgaris". If you're into the whole -core scene right now "The End Of Heartache" is a winner because it shows a genre at it's peak because the songs are pretty damn hard and they'll get you ready to fight the pope, and as a bonus (or a negative) pretty much every track is uplifting or a love song if you're able to decipher the metal. "Era Vulgaris" is a whole 'nother beast entirely. QOTSA have been one of my favorite bands since 2002 and (I even managed to see them in concert while Dave Grohl was in the band as a drummer (Fuck Yeah)) with each release they become more and more... I don't know what. I'd say trippy, but they were originally a Stoner-rock band so that doesn't work so I'll say that they managed to fuse whatever it was that they wanted to because it sounds damn good. If I were to classify this album I would say that it manages to pull of a cockiness in that it shuns most all rock conventions that are around today and it would be an amazing album to listen to while driving down the highway. Just check out some 30 second samples on itunes and you might like it, who knows?
I don't quite know how to end this post so I'll just say that I can already tell that I'm going to hate my Biology class with a passion that hasn't been seen since the new coke came out. yeah... that bad... Fun Fact- in my Bio lab, We get to do urinalysis which I'm looking forward to because as of now I'm 3 for 3. Wahoo!
p.s. I'm going to see Juno Saturday and I'm pretty excited for that.
I picked up a few tracks on itunes from pinback and mute math and they weren't too shabby (and you were right Kubas, "fortress" and "Good to Sea" were pretty damn amazing and I hate myself for saying it, chill). I listened to a few tracks from Scatteredtrees and Sufjan Stevens and they were alright, but just wasn't what I was ready to listen to just yet. I've gotta throw a shout out to Cameron for "The Red Paintings" because they are one of the best and most inventive bands I've listened to in some time. The Red Paintings are a band that I can just connect to for some reason and they were just far enough out there to still be accessible to a person like me who as we all know is just a strait up cold blooded fool. That said Cameron gets 10 stiche dollars.
I also managed to pick up a couple albums that I've been meaning to get for quite a while, Killswitch Engage's "The End Of Heartache" and The Queens Of The Stone Age's "Era Vulgaris". If you're into the whole -core scene right now "The End Of Heartache" is a winner because it shows a genre at it's peak because the songs are pretty damn hard and they'll get you ready to fight the pope, and as a bonus (or a negative) pretty much every track is uplifting or a love song if you're able to decipher the metal. "Era Vulgaris" is a whole 'nother beast entirely. QOTSA have been one of my favorite bands since 2002 and (I even managed to see them in concert while Dave Grohl was in the band as a drummer (Fuck Yeah)) with each release they become more and more... I don't know what. I'd say trippy, but they were originally a Stoner-rock band so that doesn't work so I'll say that they managed to fuse whatever it was that they wanted to because it sounds damn good. If I were to classify this album I would say that it manages to pull of a cockiness in that it shuns most all rock conventions that are around today and it would be an amazing album to listen to while driving down the highway. Just check out some 30 second samples on itunes and you might like it, who knows?
I don't quite know how to end this post so I'll just say that I can already tell that I'm going to hate my Biology class with a passion that hasn't been seen since the new coke came out. yeah... that bad... Fun Fact- in my Bio lab, We get to do urinalysis which I'm looking forward to because as of now I'm 3 for 3. Wahoo!
p.s. I'm going to see Juno Saturday and I'm pretty excited for that.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Patron Saint of Fools
My chemistry lab got canceled tonight so I thought I would be a good blogger and do a real post for the first time in a while. The question is where to begin and I can't answer that in a logical way so I'll just jump around with little chance at making any sense let alone in chronological order so you'll just have to trust me on this one...
My Christmas break was pretty friggin' sweet in many, many ways which I'll briefly touch on because I feel I have to (plus I need to take up some space). I managed to hang out with/ get moderately drunk/ get blackout drunk/ trip fucking balls with four of the Stiche Corner's authors which was a treat because if anyone is honest with themselves, any moment not spent with Tom Day is a moment that should be spent either quietly weeping in the corner or preparing a quadruple murder suicide packt. I'm not kidding when I say I had a great time with everyone I saw in Brainerd and I even managed to fulfill one of my goals that I had planned over break which was to not see Colton once (Fuck Yeah!).
It was also really nice to get back and do the things that I love to do back home like ice fish (on the two occasions I did there were one and zero lines in the water respectively) and loiter around Book World without even the slightest intention of buying anything. That said, I did actually buy the book "No Country For Old Men" because I was such a big fan of the film (best film I've seen in about 3 years). Instead of reading it all in one sitting (the Harry Potter method) I've managed to pace myself with this one and I'm making sure to make it last because I spend 15 fucking bucks on a heap of paper, but I'm okay with that.
Speaking of loitering, at one point I found myself at a hobby shop on 8Th street by a tattoo shop which was full of frolf disks and model airplanes and railroad sets (Motherfuckin' Thomas the Tank engine set too), but the true gems of the store were the real treat. On one shelf there was a model of the IRS building that someone could purchase for about $40 bucks cash money. That's not the best part though because it wasn't just a model of the IRS building, it was a model of the IRS building on fire complete with smoke and a 9 volt battery that can power red and orange lights that could be placed inside the building... God bless America. The other gem at the store was the plethora of different stun-guns that were available for purchase. There was the standard one that everyone is familiar with that we all see in movies, but there was also one that looked just like a cell phone as well as a strait up cattle fucking prod that could be yours for the low low price of 49.99. The most powerful one that they had on stock looked like a plastic set of brass knuckles except instead of fucking up your face by bludgeoning, this one sent 950,000 volts of 9 volt straigt up your ass. The proprietor at the time managed to sum up the beauty that it was in this phrase that I'll try my best to recite (I got pretty damn drunk that night). "This one here is great for self defense because all you have to know how to do to operate it is to know how to punch. If you punch 'em in the kidneys they'll piss themselves, punch 'em below the navel and they'll shit themselves, punch'em in the head and you've just put someone down for at least 15 minutes".
I've got more to write about, but I didn't want to blow my proverbial load that was x-mas break in one shot so I'll save the rest for another night. hopefully by then I'll have finished No Country and kicked my Elmer's glue addiction by then, but we'll see about that. I'll throw in some Stiche dollars to anyone who can point out the TV reference I put in this paragraph.
I'll leave you with this because I couldn't work it into anything I wrote. Enjoy
My Christmas break was pretty friggin' sweet in many, many ways which I'll briefly touch on because I feel I have to (plus I need to take up some space). I managed to hang out with/ get moderately drunk/ get blackout drunk/ trip fucking balls with four of the Stiche Corner's authors which was a treat because if anyone is honest with themselves, any moment not spent with Tom Day is a moment that should be spent either quietly weeping in the corner or preparing a quadruple murder suicide packt. I'm not kidding when I say I had a great time with everyone I saw in Brainerd and I even managed to fulfill one of my goals that I had planned over break which was to not see Colton once (Fuck Yeah!).
It was also really nice to get back and do the things that I love to do back home like ice fish (on the two occasions I did there were one and zero lines in the water respectively) and loiter around Book World without even the slightest intention of buying anything. That said, I did actually buy the book "No Country For Old Men" because I was such a big fan of the film (best film I've seen in about 3 years). Instead of reading it all in one sitting (the Harry Potter method) I've managed to pace myself with this one and I'm making sure to make it last because I spend 15 fucking bucks on a heap of paper, but I'm okay with that.
Speaking of loitering, at one point I found myself at a hobby shop on 8Th street by a tattoo shop which was full of frolf disks and model airplanes and railroad sets (Motherfuckin' Thomas the Tank engine set too), but the true gems of the store were the real treat. On one shelf there was a model of the IRS building that someone could purchase for about $40 bucks cash money. That's not the best part though because it wasn't just a model of the IRS building, it was a model of the IRS building on fire complete with smoke and a 9 volt battery that can power red and orange lights that could be placed inside the building... God bless America. The other gem at the store was the plethora of different stun-guns that were available for purchase. There was the standard one that everyone is familiar with that we all see in movies, but there was also one that looked just like a cell phone as well as a strait up cattle fucking prod that could be yours for the low low price of 49.99. The most powerful one that they had on stock looked like a plastic set of brass knuckles except instead of fucking up your face by bludgeoning, this one sent 950,000 volts of 9 volt straigt up your ass. The proprietor at the time managed to sum up the beauty that it was in this phrase that I'll try my best to recite (I got pretty damn drunk that night). "This one here is great for self defense because all you have to know how to do to operate it is to know how to punch. If you punch 'em in the kidneys they'll piss themselves, punch 'em below the navel and they'll shit themselves, punch'em in the head and you've just put someone down for at least 15 minutes".
I've got more to write about, but I didn't want to blow my proverbial load that was x-mas break in one shot so I'll save the rest for another night. hopefully by then I'll have finished No Country and kicked my Elmer's glue addiction by then, but we'll see about that. I'll throw in some Stiche dollars to anyone who can point out the TV reference I put in this paragraph.
I'll leave you with this because I couldn't work it into anything I wrote. Enjoy

Monday, January 7, 2008
I think I've got mild shin splints because my bag was so heavy today. I say again, WTF? What does it say about a person who's 18 years old and is mildly disabled from walking around campus? wow... Thank Jesus(I'm pronouncing it with a soft J from now on) for pain killers.
I completely forgot how much I walk while in college because of all the "sloth-like" things I did during break.
I completely forgot how much I walk while in college because of all the "sloth-like" things I did during break.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Everyone needs closure at some point in their lives.
Don't get too worried about the name of this post as I am not shutting down the shittiest blog in the tristate area (yet). This is simply a post about an earlier post which makes it a sort of sequel... and I've always liked sequels. This is just a follow up to the dirty custodial staff at the fine institution that is Concordia College. Enjoy this with me.
To: Concordia Students
From: Mark Krejci – Dean of the College and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Jim Meier – Dean of Student Life
Re: Update Regarding Memorial Auditorium Locker Room Incident
In an earlier electronic communication, you were notified about an incident that occurred in a women’s locker room during the semester break. A member of the college’s custodial staff attempted to videotape a shower area in Memorial Auditorium. After notifying Campus Security, the Moorhead Police were immediately summoned to investigate. The Police informed us that they are confident this was an isolated incident involving only one person. The perpetrator, of course, has been released from employment and criminal charges are pending.
In response to the discovery of the video camera, the physical plant and Security staff conducted a full and thorough sweep of all bathrooms/shower areas in Memorial Auditorium. In addition, as a precaution, all of the bathroom/shower areas in every residence hall were also searched. Nothing was found in either of these searches.
The college takes seriously the privacy and safety of our students and we are reviewing our security procedures in light of this incident. We trust that the steps that have been, and are being, taken in response to this incident will be reassuring as you begin the new semester
This doesn't have anything to do with what was said earlier, but I'm not a fan of novelty t-shirts just about all of the time, but check out this gem. Who knows, I might buy it.
Oh yeah, I would say that I'm sorry about being such a shitty blog host by not posting jack shit all break, but then I remembered that I don't owe anybody anything and that "I'm gangsta'" O.G. Loc style.
To: Concordia Students
From: Mark Krejci – Dean of the College and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Jim Meier – Dean of Student Life
Re: Update Regarding Memorial Auditorium Locker Room Incident
In an earlier electronic communication, you were notified about an incident that occurred in a women’s locker room during the semester break. A member of the college’s custodial staff attempted to videotape a shower area in Memorial Auditorium. After notifying Campus Security, the Moorhead Police were immediately summoned to investigate. The Police informed us that they are confident this was an isolated incident involving only one person. The perpetrator, of course, has been released from employment and criminal charges are pending.
In response to the discovery of the video camera, the physical plant and Security staff conducted a full and thorough sweep of all bathrooms/shower areas in Memorial Auditorium. In addition, as a precaution, all of the bathroom/shower areas in every residence hall were also searched. Nothing was found in either of these searches.
The college takes seriously the privacy and safety of our students and we are reviewing our security procedures in light of this incident. We trust that the steps that have been, and are being, taken in response to this incident will be reassuring as you begin the new semester
This doesn't have anything to do with what was said earlier, but I'm not a fan of novelty t-shirts just about all of the time, but check out this gem. Who knows, I might buy it.
Oh yeah, I would say that I'm sorry about being such a shitty blog host by not posting jack shit all break, but then I remembered that I don't owe anybody anything and that "I'm gangsta'" O.G. Loc style.
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