Now that I think of it there were at least three contributors at that party and it sure was fun.

EDIT- The caption contest is only on the first photo. I threw in the tank engine just as a joke, but if you really want to you can make a caption for that too
photo 1: "I'll have some of whatever they're smoking!"
photo 2: "Hey hey hey, smoke weed every day."
American adolescents enjoy the traditional post-armed robbery doobie, a perversion of the popularized post-sex cigarette among the "sexually active."
photo 1: Julie i didnt know u liked to get wet... What?... PCP, Angle dust... oh shit.
photo 2: Tomas Whats up!? Where are ur friends? boy did we have fun last time we met.
This ones going to Mr. Cameron. Nicely done. The quotes made it so much better by the way
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