I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was going to see Juno and I sure did. It was quite entertaining for all the reasons everyone has already brought up and the only think I thought was missing was a single scene with Michael Cera and Jason Bateman. It would have been nice if they were in the same room together once and see one of them give a little nod or even a wink even thought it wouldn't have made any sense in the film. This morning I ended up going to There Will Be Blood and I'm still not exactly sure what to think or say about it other than it was great. Next time I play beer pong and get on a roll or make them send it back I'll throw in " I drink your milkshake! I drink it up! " line even thought I'll get no response other than some whispers that I'm belligerent which will more than likely be true. I'm going to say that both Juno and There Will Be Blood were very enjoyable for totally different reasons and suggest that anyone who hasn't seen either to do so.
And just to show that no good deed goes undone, the most bad ass 16 year old from Australia, Corey Worthington got his own t-shirt from busted tees that I'm seriously thinking about buying. I usually hate novelty t-shirt, but this is the first one I've ever actually wanted.

Come on, look at that face.
Man, I just watched Imaginary Heroes and I thought of you.
I was in the Secret Marines.
That is one of my favorite movies of all time. It's the only film that I enjoy Sigourney Weaver in and now I think I'll watch it again sometime this week.
Jordan have you ever seen Galaxy Quest with Sigourney Weaver and Tim Allen and Alan Rickman? It is very unexpectedly very good.
Also, Sigourney Weaver was in Alien, right? I've never actually seen it but it looks good. Did you hate it for some reason?
I did see Galaxy Quest back in the day when it first came out and from what I remember it was alright, but I was probably 10 so most of the jokes didn't connect the way they would now.
I watched the origional Alien when I was 7 or 8 and it scared the f out of me and The second one was good from what I remember (who doesn't like seeing Bill Paxton die an agonizing death).
I guess I jumped the gun when I said Imaginary Heroes was the only film that I enjoyed with her in it, but she's made a shit ton of stinkers.
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