My friend, buy this album.
Do NOT hesitate - do it, and do it now. I promise you shan't regret it. "Happy Birthday!" by the German production duo
Modeselektor not only features Thom Yorke on their most ambient track, but they've got some kick-ass French rap and ridiculously fun beats ubiquitously.

To fully emphasize this point, I don't know if I even enjoyed Kenna's most recent work as much as this album.
For the rest of you: if you experience nothing else, experience "
Dark Side of the Sun." Turn up the bass, hit play, and dance.
This is really good timing. I'm going to go sell my body for $70 bucks later in the afternoon and I should now have some cash to pick this up.
yeah not before you pay me 190 :)
Very true Tom... Well, there was a bit of miscommunication and I only got 20 for selling plasma, so I'll get you some more cash when I see you.
Should I be scared of having my knee caps blown off?
yeah, I pretty much just pissed in the face of my bank account and got the album anyways.
First thoughts: This is really infectious and dark, but at the same time I kinda want to dance in my dorm. It'll take a couple of listens to get used to glitch, but this is damn good stuff. God bless you Cameron and your badass music finding skills
man this blog is ridiculous
stayin' true to its name
keep it up
I can't claim all the responsibility - iTunes made a song of theirs free for a week back in '05, and I just had the good sense to check up on them again. Glad you enjoy homeslice
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