275 (including playoffs)

This weekend I like to think that I grew up a little bit.
The streak is done.
I've got a bunch of tests coming up this next week along with a few papers so I took a step back and thought if I really had to party. I started out the weekend by instead of pre-gaming, studying. No joke. I studied my ass off Friday night.
Woke up on Saturday and did it all over again with the exception of an hour long Call of Duty 4 break and naps (12 ish). Saturday night came along and nothing happened. I've had some great times along my odyssey of Beam and Stones and I wouldn't trade them for the world, but it's done.
Whatev, at least I beat Ken Jennings.
p.s. PSYCH!!!!
haha ya got me. I should have know u were kidding when u said you studied on a friday night.
god damn it stick. you had me going. my heart skipped a beat.
Actually, that was all true with the exception of me not drinking. I did study my ass off Friday night.
i feel like I just got rickrolled
Why the candle after the message?
Stiche- I apologize for doubting your ability to study on a friday night. One day i'm sure you'll pass Brett favre
Vaclav - why not?
Kurt - It won't make it to Favre's number. Trust me
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