If anyone would like to take any of the semi-finals ( I don't know how much more I can pull out of my ass) please let me know in the comment of this post if you want to take it and trust me there is no standard or status-quo that has to be met. Just do whatever you feel is deserving of the battle and it'll make it on the blog.
Tuesday afternoon while studying my ass off for a bunch of test that I had been for about a week, I saw something that was quite remarkable. I usually do most of my studying in an annex above our dining center and on this particular occasion I saw something I though I never would in my life. Some dude (I have no idea who he is and I had never seen him so I'll give him the name of Renaldo) named Renaldo was sitting about halfway up a flight of stairs using a Rubik's cube. I use the term "use" in a very loose sense. It was more like he was slapping this Rubik's cube around the bathroom of a 12 dollar a night motel two blocks off of the main drag in town. I watched Renaldo for no more than 3 minutes and in that 3 minutes he managed to solve the Rubik's cube 4 times. In order to make sure that it wasn't just Renaldo doing some major cheating he had one of his buddies re-set the cube after every completion. It was sweet.
I found out that three of my favorite bands (The Offspring, Muse, and Metallica (Come on, you can't say that you're not still excited for every release they make)) are all releasing albums this summer so I'm pumped for all of them. Word on the street (from Mathew Bellamy) the new album is dancier so whatev' I'll take it.
I'm not sure if this is old news or new news, but Chris Singleton joined the bandwagon and released his album for free online. I had never heard of Chris Singleton before he made news that he released an album for free. Ever since Radiohead did this, there have been a lot of followers. I know that right now it's not much more than just the fad and a publicity stunt to get some free press and as far as I'm concerned it's alright.
Up until Chris Singleton, I saw this as a lame ass attempt to get some free press and I saw nothing worthy in this method. I've changed my mind. I had never heard of Chris Singleton until he made news with his free album. With this free press, I had the itch to get some free music just to check it out( I forgot how hard it is to not pirate music (1 month sober for pirating)). Since I've heard his album Twisted City , I've managed to really dig his music. It's relaxed music from an Irishman and for the most part I really don't like this style of music. This album changed my view on pop-rock (it kills me to use it, but that's what it is) and this album manages to grow on me. I recommend anybody to check this album out for free at this link. After I got the album for free and liked it so much, I gave them 10 bucks in their donation jar. It was the first time I paid for a free album ( I didn't pay jack shit for In Rainbows).
Jeff Buckley's rendition of "Hallelujah" managed to hit number one on the digital downloads charts. This is the first time that Jeff Buckley (R.I.P.) has managed to hit number one on any chart and I guess better late than never. In my opinion, this track is his Magnum Opus and it's fitting that this is his first number one even though it would have been better if it was sooner.
Oh, and as a side note I'm pretty sure that Jesus (pronounced Hey Zuse) loves me, because last night I was at the best party I've been to in months and all of the sudden the popo came. Thing was that I had a feeling. 20 minutes before this point in time I had a gut feeling that I had to get the fuck out of this amazing party and I listened to my intuition for once (as opposed to all the times it's been "Quit drinking, you're killing me) (me as in my body/liver/brain/filtering systems). I decieded to walk back to the dorm and about 20 minutes later I got a call from a drunken, distressed Cobber talking about how the cops were at the house and he didn't want a minor.
This was a defining moment in my life because it was the first time I actually listened to my intuitoin (and actually had intuition). I'll thank Jesus ( I say again Hey Zuse) for not letting me get a minor. Nuff' Said.
Funny thing about this post is that it is a sober post. How 'bout that?
Stiche dollars go to the first person to let me know how many "()" I used in this post.
i'm pretty surprised bobby d beat out NIN in this battle, stich. seriously? i mean, you had me write NIN in big black letters on your arm one friday night...would you really do that for dylan? would you?
Hey, Bob Dylan is the man. 'nuff said. Good to see you checked my hell hole out and I'm pumped as hell for Easter Break.
oh yeah! that's whack. i get no days off. i'm comin back that weekend tho and have no plans...you got some?
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