When I first got to college, I had it all. Because my family loves me so much I ended up cleaning house at my grad party and received about 1600 bucks in cold hard cash (or check, but who's really counting). With more money than I ever had at one time in my life, there seemed to be a need to spend it and spend it I did. I bought a Nintendo Wii (sold it, got a 360), a notebook with my parents (not an apple, but still pretty damn good) and god knows what else. Even with spending a shit ton of money I still had way too much left over so I did what any self respecting member of society does with their idle money... I bought booze with it. At first it was nothing but the best: Jim Beam every time. For those of you who know me (or at least really, really want to better know me) you know that I love Jim Beam more than any other beverage. It just happens that it's kinda cheap and kinda spendy at the same time so it's not the drink you can afford to get every damn weekend, or in the case of the first month of school every 3-4 days, so it ends up being a special drink to buy when you get a little extra money.
The problem began when I started realizing just how much I could afford and still have enough money left over at the end of the Semester. Instead of buying Coors Light and Beam (or even Smirnoff) I started buying Karkov/Phillips or Keystone Light (Still mighty tasty) and even Ron Diaz or Admiral Nelson .
My associate in drunkology, Mr. Darin Underhill, and I came to the conclusion that the Marginal cost of buying more expensive booze did not in fact cover the Marginal Benefit that came with the better taste. It was a harsh realization that we came upon, but at the same time made sense and I hope these graphs will help you out too.

This graph conveys the simple idea that the better quality of booze one buys, the greater the monetary cost will be on them.

This graph helps the viewer understand that the longer I am in college without a real job, the less money I have to spend in any number of ways.

This is simply the sum of all my realizations and hypothesis which states the longer I'm in college, the shittier my booze will become. I've gotta be getting close to drinking Listerine at this point.
Get a job, you bum.
To be honest, I've been selling plasma twice a week which is making me a decent amount of money. I've also done random odd jobs like sewing someones torn shirt for money so I'm making a semi-honest effort to make some cash
el borracho puede vender su "plasma?"
hahaha. god that's awesome, but yeah I can sell plasma even though I'm a drunk. "A drunk" is such a strong phrase... I'd say a very casual drinker.
71 semanas es tomar ocasionalmente?
hahha man my dad has a story about he and his bros would always sell plasma for booze money.
there was one nurse who could never hit the vein. they called her "the butcher."
i could not see the graphs? maybe I just didn't let them load right
Max- It's wierd, I'll see them upload sometimes, but not all the time. I'll try to tweak the post to make it work but it might be that I made them in paint and there might be some sort of conflict going on. If that doesn't work, just imagine graphs going up or down at 45 degree angles.
Yesterday, my nurse bumped the needle just before she took it out so that wasn't very pleasent, but other than that it's been smooth sailing saving lives so far.
liliana - I suppose I didn't stress the "very" in very casual drinker well enough. I've never drank by myself if that makes it any better.
si,creo que tu higado le gusta la compania.
liliana - Are you in Spanish class with me?
man liliana is killing me with the spanish here
stick i see the graphs now, very fine indeed
i got to draw a supply and demand graph for my "Confronting Capitalism" class the other day. I was so happy.
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