That is Aditya 'Romeo' Dev and he defiantly deserves his nickname. He's only 2'9'' and weights 9kg but his badass can lift 1.5kg weights. Here's another pic

I try my best to stay away from "funny" pictures that I find one internet, but this was just too much to say no to. Look at that BAMF for Christ sake.

Is this the sort of thing you go to hell for because you laugh?
I don't think you go to hell for laughing at it...only posting it on a blog.
good to have you back man, but yeah, I'll burn for this.
Did anyone get my Chet reference?
I got the reference...
and was proud.
Que o quien es Chet?
Chet es un hombre magnifico y muy grande.
I love fake news so damn much
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