So last week i recieved an e mail from one of the new football captians for next year. The e mail was letting the team know that winter "olympics" were going to be saturday the 16th. Once i got this i became overwhelmed with excitement. I had heard from upper classmen about winter olympics and all of the fun that they had to offer. I couldn't wait to get together with the whole team and have some good clean fun.
The events kicked off in the field house on campus where we started by splitting into to teams and we played vollyball, dodge ball, and floor hockey. this was fun time. no team was actually named the champions. these games where just a warm up the the main event to take place later. This prestiges main event was the famed keg race between the offense and defense tha would be held and captain and brainerd alumni clinton strothers house.
finally the time had come for the main event(1:30 in the afternoon). excitment was in the air and the stakes were high. bragging rights for the next year where on the line. then before i knew it the kegs where tapped and the fun began. once the beer stared flowing from our keg in didn't stop until the keg was empty(which was a half hour later). but this half hour was a lot of fun, there were games of tippy cup, chugging contests, as well as pitcher chugs. it was a great time. once the keg was emptied we all ran down to the basement to the defense yelling and hoisting the keg as our trophy. after some puking by some, yelling, and pissing the drinking resumed and so did the good times.
Once we finished the fist two kegs two more were dropped off. and we continued to play games, smoke pipes, yell, sing lee greenwood's "pround to be an american." then in all the misdst of the party someone thought it would be a good idea to go to the garage and jump off of the railing on the steps into a mound of garbage. once the first person did it others soon followed. they did all sorts of great tricks like the peoples' elbow, frog splashes, and back flips. then another high light was whe the upper classmen picked "random" freshman and made them chug cans of beer that had been in the oven for roughly 20 minutes. i was one of the lucky few that got to partake in this and it blew. the party then continued, that is unti the fifth and final keg went dry.
It was 5:00 and prime time to go to the cafeteria and get some food. we left house on our journey across the street to campus. one of the best scenes of the whole night was the line of extremly intoxicated guys stumbling, yelling, wrestling, and throwing snow balls/ice chunks walking out of the house to ds(cafeteria). On this journey one nose was bloodied by ice and one bike was "borrowed" and crashed. when we got in the only term i can use to describe it was "shit show." food was thrown, plates where dropped and broken. Again "proud to be an american" was sang. we all stood on our chairs and in our best slurring belted out this classic, needless to say the crowd loved it.
After we gorged ourselves and thrown all the food we could and swooned all of the ladies with our singing, the team left an went our separate ways(we left because campus security was called). that concluded the thing that we love to call the winter olympics. then the partying for night started, but i'll save that for my next post.
1 comment:
I'm planning on next year joining the team as a 2nd string walk on kicker just so I can attend this event. As an observer, It was easily the most entertaining dinner I've ever had at the dining center. The phrase Shit show is absolutly correct. wow
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