My College Writing teacher, Dr. Postema, started off the year asking us if we knew what our last names meant. I had no idea because my whole family is from Iowa so I try my best not to look too far back in my genealogy, but this past Friday Postema finally found out what "Stich" really means. Supposedly back in the old country my name was rooted in the action of sewing or tailoring so... shit. I was kinda hoping that Stich meant something awesome like white haired badass or simply the old Norwegian word for crazy motherfucker. Oh well, I can always lie to my kids.
pretty uninspiring, yo.
nicks thoughts
"after 5 shots and this third mixed drink i think im ready for u saddle bags" (looking at the person to his imediate left)
wow im an a-hole owell what is said on the blog stays on the blog. now give me my stiche bucks...
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