The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Allison Army On The March

Tonight I joined a marauding band of snowball warriors and marched on the other dorms.

We took the campus.

We were like the damn Persian Empire, raping and pillaging, yelling "Join us or die!", knockin' over they snow men.

I have decided there are few things more entertaining than yelling "CHARGE!" and fucking screaming as you and 50 other people run straight at like 7 dudes in peacoats.

We blew people's minds and walked a mile north in the snow. We pwned the dorms up there, pegged a couple of security guards, and headed home victorious.

I am soaked through and exhausted and goddamn that was fun.


constant_k said...

We also threw snowballs at girls who challenged us.

Best line of the night--

some girl: Don't throw snowballs at the girls!
Me: hey, if they wanna be equal, let 'em be equal.
girl: (shocked indignation)

She apparently didn't realize I was quoting Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai. Stick, tell me you've seen that movie. Please.

royalewithcheese_ said...

I've seen about 20 minutes of it and its on my list of shit I've gotta watch over break. Can't go wrong with forest

For Vanities sake

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