The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

This is Halloween, This is Halloween

As you all know halloween is right around the corner and it's one hell of a good time. The problem that I have is that I am too lazy to either:

1) Come up with a good costume idea

2) Actually construct said costume

3) Remember to wear it on halloween

Well, this year that'll all change because I actually have come up with some damn good ideas mostly on my own.

#1 - "You in the Morning"

Description: It's you after a hard night of drinking with people you shouldn't trust

What you need: Steady Hand

Sharpie/black marker

Basic penis drawing skills

Application: Just draw as many dicks, curse words or odd shapes as you like on yourself and all you have to do is walk around acting like you are hungover.

Precaution: Try not to use anything that's too permanant on your body.

#2 - "Crazy dude saying the world is going to end guy"

Description - You will be the person who raves all day and night saying how we're all sinners and the G.O.D. is pisses off.

What you need: Clothing that resembles what a Father/Pastor/Religous leader/Hobo would wear (depending on what angle you want to take)

A Large Crucifix

Large sheet of cardboard that you can carry around that says "the end is near"

Ability to strike fear into the hearts of sinners.

Application: All you need to do for this one is to walk around waving a crucifix wildly in the air or point it directly at suspected sinners. Another thing you can do is to grab your head as though you have a migrain and start screaming in tounge or say you're getting a vision from above that there is "evil present in this very room".

Precaution: Probably not the best idea to wear this one at a church run halloween event.

#3 - "Huffer"

Description: In this one you become the guy who walks around small dark allys huffing spray paint or glue out of a paper bag.

What you need: Paper Bag

Silver or Gold sparkly substance that resembles spray paint

Clothing that's got outdated logos or class of '95 or before printed on them

Ability to pull off a look of failed dreams/fleeting look of happiness in your eyes

Application: Just apply a liberal amount of gold or silver body paint around your mouth or nose to give the hint that you've been going down to the lower lot. You also should have your paper bag in hand and breath from it every few minutes and directly after stare into space for a few seconds.

Precautions: Don't use real spray paint or glue unless you trully want to have a night to not remember.

So there you have it, a few ideas for Halloween. With a little creativity and elbow grease anyone can become whatever they want for Halloween.

1 comment:

constant_k said...

damn those are some sweet plans.

I think I'm just gonna not shave for a few days, wear torn jeans, an old t-shirt and an american flag bandanna and tell people I'm Neil Young.

No one will question me.

For Vanities sake

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