The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Lions and Tigers and Bears - Oh My!

The crazy Halloween festivities (Freakfest) took place in Madison last night. The city spends $600,000/year to keep the peace Saturday night. I saw some crazy costumes, to include around forty guys dressed as the Spartans from 300. On Friday (before the real celebration begins), after pumping themselves up by running up and down the stairs to the capitol building, they did their run/charge down State Street, where the police attempted to force them onto the sidewalk (on Friday the street is open to regular traffic, which is limited to buses, police vehicles, and taxis). Few left the street, so three officers made an example of one by tackling his near naked body to the pavement.

I was Cedric Diggory. My entourage of about twenty people dressed as Harry Potter characters went to State Street together. I stayed with them for about 5 minutes. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, but the party on State Street is overrated and rather strictly supervised.

Bundy: I saw two guys dressed as The Ambiguously Gay Duo from SNL.

On a totally different note, I really want to see the film version of "Into the Wild". Besides the praise of Mr. Wanninger, I've learned from my work at Starbucks, where we sell a digital download of the soundtrack, that Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam is the composer. Fantastic.


3_the_hard_way said...

Ambiguosly gay duo FTW!

constant_k said...

My sister was there too

For Vanities sake

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