To many the name Stiche may just seem to be an over used phrase that comes out of Cody Hummers mouth, which we all know is not unlike the energizer bunny, it keeps going and going and going. . . . Well you get the idea. But what we need to understand is that the name Stiche is much more than just a tasteless joke or an unhealthy obsession, like I said before it’s a way of life. Putting all that aside I want to give everyone a little insight on the name and its different renditions to the best of my knowledge.
If memory serves me correctly long ago a group of genetically superior blond haired blue eyed Germans set sail across the Atlantic in search of the land of opportunity, bringing the name Stiche (Stee-sh) with them. Upon arrival at the immigration offices the pronuciation was changed to Stich (stitch)
Fast-forward a few generations. At Brainerd high school the German teacher (I forget his name) was a sub and taking attendance. With his vast knowledge of the German language he pronounces Jordan’s last name Stiche. The rest is history; it took off like wild fire.
After that certain people created their own renditions of the name. . .
Ben Posch = Stiche (Stee-ch-a)
Nate Puchalla = Stiach (Sti-otch)
I am not familiar with certain renditions of the name for example Stish and Stich stash. I do know that the name stick (probably the most commonly used and my personal favorite) was first used around the time 2003 A.D. by either a 8th or 9th grade football coach.
Like a caterpillar becomes a butterfly the name Stiche can also be morphed into other names for example Bundiche (Bundy) Niche (Nick) and of coarse Fitche (Nick Fitch).
So there you have it a brief history of the name Stiche. This information is correct to the best of my knowledge. Stick or anyone else can feel free to add anything I missed. And I yes I do have too much time on my hands.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Hater's Ball
So, guys I'm here for one quick post to let you know that the mustache blog HAS, indeed died. but it was replaced with the "Hater's Ball." You all need to start checking it regularly and commenting, because we're getting lonely. Of special interest is my first ever REAL post, entitled "The JHU Rundown," and some of the other great stuff that Max and Tirth have been giving out. Currently a few members are MIA, but It's basically the mustache blog without the name or baggage. So please, check it out and give it the love that you've given the mustache blog from day one.
Link -
Link -
Above the influence
I like to think that I'm my own person and not influenced too much by pop culture. I haven't watched MTV for about a year and a half (I just found out that the backstreet boys made a new album yesterday) and I usually don't follow trends like buying Crocs or livestrong bracelets or any other silicon bracelets. Even though I've got nothing on Cameron as far as how many sick ass amazing bands that few have heard of, I think I listen to a fairly off the beaten path music library.
I also enjoy watching film from all sorts of genres. I'm not going to claim that I have an amazing taste in all sorts of independent and weird ass films, but I think I'm okay in that regards. I enjoyed "Time Bandits", "Requiem for a Dream", and even "Mulholland Drive". Some of my favorite films come from The Evil Dead Series which I would encourage everyone to watch as long as they don't already have a fear of tree branches/rape. The Evil Dead films star none other than Bruce Campbell who is in my opinion the greatest B-movie actor of my time and has appeared in all three "Spiderman films". Fun Fact- Sam Raimi, the director of all three Evil Dead films (which had a combined budget of under 15 million dollars) is the same director of all three "Spiderman" films (which combined budget was 597 million dollars).He plays the role of Ash who is just your average guy with a love for boomsticks and chainsaws who has no choice but to kill the fuck out of the undead time and again.

So what is all this leading up to? I'm a tool just like everyone else and I can sum it up with one video
I've never been that big of a fan of Old Spice or even body spray or body wash, but as soon as I saw this commercial I was compelled to buy some. To be honest I felt a little bit dirty after I realized what I had done but the Old Spice body wash took care of that.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Don't you just wanna dance?
Everyone needs to buy this album. Now. I first read about Kenna in the book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, which I know Max has also read. Shortly after reading it I bought Kenna's first album New Sacred Cow, and the long awaited follow-up Make Sure They See My Face meets the high expectations of his cult followers. Kenna's music is unlike anything you've ever heard, but it rings with a comfortable pop-tinged familiarity.

Stiche isnt a name. . . its a life style
Hey everybody first time blogger here. i like this new blog and i like the direction it going in. " I have no idea what direction it'll go in. . . " Just a thought in response to sticks comment i think this blog would be a good place to discuss interesting college expiriences, or the life style that is "stiche" among other things. Maybe this is the path this blog has already taken or maybe others had the same idea anyways it was just a thought.
For the future Vietnam vets out there.
For anyone who knows me or even knows of me, it's understood that I treat my liver the way an alcoholic abusive father treats his child who can't quite throw a football well enough to make it on the varsity team. So I smack it around a little to show who's who every now and again just to remind it who's boss.
With that I'll begin a series of articles based on my experiences with all things god awful for my body as well as some reviews and best of lists.
For this inaugural booze post, I'll begin with the non ivy league college student/common bum selection of booze that gets the job done with as small a dent to your wallet as possible while at the same time creating countless holes in your liver.
1. Karkov - With the name Karkov, one imagines the excellence of centuries of tradition from Russian distillers (or at least one of the former soviet block nations) that craft a clean, refreshing vodka with little bite. Well, that's bullshit. This beauty is created in the small town of Princeton, MN and gee wiz is it god fucking awful. The $12.95 for a 1.75L is a good indicator of the amount of pain you'll endure trying to take a strait shot or even drinking a mixed drink of it. But hey, it'll get you drunk
Best experience: I once saw someone throw up just from smelling the bottle... true story.
2. Ron Diaz - Ron Diaz has always held a little place in my heart because it was the first spiced rum I had ever had (nearly vomited myself into oblivion that night). For the price of $15.00 for a 1.75L it is actually a great buy as it mixes quite well with just about anything and I'm not even kidding. It works well with Dr. Pepper, cola, bleach, and even sprite. It actually has a hint of a fruity flavor lurking just below the harsh kerosene taste (trust me, it's there) and that helps to keep it down after a night of trying to repress memories from last summer.
Best experience: Too many to count.
3. Windsor - This beauty is from the fine folks at Princeton, Minnesota and it's a Canadian Whisky (trust me on this one). All I'm going to say about it is to just not drink it.
Best experience: Best?
So yeah, if you ever want to have fun at a party for a reasonable price or want to stop whatever screaming you have going on inside your head for just a few minutes, this is what you want to go with. Just a heads up - this shit will make you grimace.
With that I'll begin a series of articles based on my experiences with all things god awful for my body as well as some reviews and best of lists.
For this inaugural booze post, I'll begin with the non ivy league college student/common bum selection of booze that gets the job done with as small a dent to your wallet as possible while at the same time creating countless holes in your liver.
1. Karkov - With the name Karkov, one imagines the excellence of centuries of tradition from Russian distillers (or at least one of the former soviet block nations) that craft a clean, refreshing vodka with little bite. Well, that's bullshit. This beauty is created in the small town of Princeton, MN and gee wiz is it god fucking awful. The $12.95 for a 1.75L is a good indicator of the amount of pain you'll endure trying to take a strait shot or even drinking a mixed drink of it. But hey, it'll get you drunk
Best experience: I once saw someone throw up just from smelling the bottle... true story.
2. Ron Diaz - Ron Diaz has always held a little place in my heart because it was the first spiced rum I had ever had (nearly vomited myself into oblivion that night). For the price of $15.00 for a 1.75L it is actually a great buy as it mixes quite well with just about anything and I'm not even kidding. It works well with Dr. Pepper, cola, bleach, and even sprite. It actually has a hint of a fruity flavor lurking just below the harsh kerosene taste (trust me, it's there) and that helps to keep it down after a night of trying to repress memories from last summer.
Best experience: Too many to count.
3. Windsor - This beauty is from the fine folks at Princeton, Minnesota and it's a Canadian Whisky (trust me on this one). All I'm going to say about it is to just not drink it.
Best experience: Best?
So yeah, if you ever want to have fun at a party for a reasonable price or want to stop whatever screaming you have going on inside your head for just a few minutes, this is what you want to go with. Just a heads up - this shit will make you grimace.
Cheap Beer, because we all can't afford heines, leines, and guiness.
first i'd like to say to all on the new blog stiches corner. and i want to say don't expect a lot of goo grammer from me. as you can see i will rarley use capitol letters in sentences. it's tno that i don't good grammer. i simply choose to say fuck it, i have better things to do. but i digress.
bundy i like your taste in beer, it's great. and you have expanded your horizons and you've learned well. i'm glad to hear this. but for us kids who are on a budget of roughly 15 a week and want to gete shit faced i'll give you a list of the best cheap beers in my opinion.
1. busch light- tastes good, and for 13 dollars you get you a bang for your buck, and you will actually take a solid shit in the morning. women seem to like this beer as well. so its good way to meet a nice lady at a party.
2.keystone light- like josh said, it's cheap, great for pong, but i've noticed there is usually a headache in the moring, but nothing too severe
3.natural light or ice- for 10 bucks a case you can't go wrong, though it lacks a bit in taste is is better than some 15 dollar beers, again great for drinking games.
4.milwauke's best- commenly refered to as beast is great beer that few know about. it is the only good miller product on the market in my opinion. it 11 bucks for a case and it will get you fucked up. but gut rott is often prevalent in the morning
5.old milwauke- with the slogan of "americas best tasting beer" it's not a total lie. good but again not as well known. its a good taste, with little after taste. definetly worth trying at least once.
again to go off what josh said, miller is shit. it is really bad and would never recomend it. it's a headache in a can and your mouth will taste like shit in the moring.
thats my rant on cheap beer. tell me what you think. and if you have any suggestions for a good cheap beer let me know i'm always trying new things.
bundy i like your taste in beer, it's great. and you have expanded your horizons and you've learned well. i'm glad to hear this. but for us kids who are on a budget of roughly 15 a week and want to gete shit faced i'll give you a list of the best cheap beers in my opinion.
1. busch light- tastes good, and for 13 dollars you get you a bang for your buck, and you will actually take a solid shit in the morning. women seem to like this beer as well. so its good way to meet a nice lady at a party.
2.keystone light- like josh said, it's cheap, great for pong, but i've noticed there is usually a headache in the moring, but nothing too severe
3.natural light or ice- for 10 bucks a case you can't go wrong, though it lacks a bit in taste is is better than some 15 dollar beers, again great for drinking games.
4.milwauke's best- commenly refered to as beast is great beer that few know about. it is the only good miller product on the market in my opinion. it 11 bucks for a case and it will get you fucked up. but gut rott is often prevalent in the morning
5.old milwauke- with the slogan of "americas best tasting beer" it's not a total lie. good but again not as well known. its a good taste, with little after taste. definetly worth trying at least once.
again to go off what josh said, miller is shit. it is really bad and would never recomend it. it's a headache in a can and your mouth will taste like shit in the moring.
thats my rant on cheap beer. tell me what you think. and if you have any suggestions for a good cheap beer let me know i'm always trying new things.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Gaping Anal Destruction
I drink very little, and I'm a freshman in college, but despite all odds I think I'm becoming a booze snob.
I just do not see the appeal of drinking shitty, shitty beer and doing shots of disgusting vodka until I slur my speech and I can't walk straight and I feel hot and tired. That is not for me.
I think my problem is I learned how to drink from my parents, so I like what they like:
1.Vodka tonics with lime: bitter and delicious
2. Bloody marys: smooth and spicy and invigorating. Best when served with a spicy pickle, to cut the tomato
1.Good scotch: straight, or with a little water. Warm and tingly.
2. Wheat beer: smooth and flavorful
3. Red wine: Tasty and warming. Really great with good food, or some cheese.
Translation: I drink like an old man. All I need is a smoking jacket and a swollen prostate and I'll be set.
Plus side: I get to feel superior to people who drink super-sweet shit that doesn't even taste like booze. Also to people who purchase pre-mixed drinks--fucking jack and coke or white russian in a can? Ridiculous. Making the drinks is half the fun.
P.S.: I just watched Star Wars last night so I'm still a little pumped up from that.
I just do not see the appeal of drinking shitty, shitty beer and doing shots of disgusting vodka until I slur my speech and I can't walk straight and I feel hot and tired. That is not for me.
I think my problem is I learned how to drink from my parents, so I like what they like:
1.Vodka tonics with lime: bitter and delicious
2. Bloody marys: smooth and spicy and invigorating. Best when served with a spicy pickle, to cut the tomato
1.Good scotch: straight, or with a little water. Warm and tingly.
2. Wheat beer: smooth and flavorful
3. Red wine: Tasty and warming. Really great with good food, or some cheese.
Translation: I drink like an old man. All I need is a smoking jacket and a swollen prostate and I'll be set.
Plus side: I get to feel superior to people who drink super-sweet shit that doesn't even taste like booze. Also to people who purchase pre-mixed drinks--fucking jack and coke or white russian in a can? Ridiculous. Making the drinks is half the fun.
P.S.: I just watched Star Wars last night so I'm still a little pumped up from that.
Tribute to Stiche
I figured this blog, since it's in the name of stiche, would enjoy some beer snobbery. Let me start by saying that, surprisingly, I'm not the alcoholic I envisioned. I did some drinking in high school, but VERY little. And I don't do much more than that here at college, but I have developed a keen sense for beer starting a long time ago. I never drank much, but I do love beer. I enjoy sitting back in my free time and knocking one back just for the hell of it, and this is my beer knowledge to this point. I will rank the beers I have had thus far: Guinness Extra Stout, Heineken Original, Keystone Light, Coors Light, Miller Lite, Leinenkugel's Honey Weiss, Leinenkugel's Original, and I've had six different types of Sam Adams, each with a very different taste, but the beer list is getting huge enough, so I'll just talk about my favorite Sam Adams - Honey Porter. (I also must say that I am biased toward full beer as opposed to light. I'm not trying to be a hardass, I just really like the full flavor better.)
1. Heineken Original - this shit is delicious. The malt flavor and hops really come through together to offer a very full taste, but surprisingly clean finish. If you're a fan of light beer and want to go on to something more a) manly, b)tasteful, then a Heine is for you. You can definitely drink one and not feel a heavy gut. I give this beer an A-, because I haven't had real German beer yet, and I'm hoping that will rank higher.
2. Guinness Extra Stout - this beer is not for the faint of heart. It's actually BLACK. If you're new to beer drinking, keep away. Guinness has a very bitter finish that new beer drinkers won't necessarily like. It's more for a seasoned palate. You can actually smell the abundance (relative to other beers) of malt and hops - malt especially. It's a very thick beer, and after one, you're good. If you drink another, you may puke up black snot. B+
3. Leinenkugel's Honey Weiss - the original "chill" beer. Unless you're well-trained, the honey can't really be tasted, so don't see the name and think, "hey - honey, I like sugary shit." - NO. It's just a really good beer that you can't go wrong with when you just want to hang out. B+
4. Sam Adams Honey Porter - now you can taste the honey. This beer is actually pretty thick, right close to Guinness, but has a smoother finish. I like it quite a bit, but it's not the first beer I'd go after. The problem with Sam Adams is that it's trying to be as good as an import, but it's brewed domestically. Somehow, whether it's psychological or not, that turns me off. But Honey Porter is a good domestic experiment. B
5. Leinenkugel's Original - this stuff is actually a lot like a Heine, but less. Leinenkugel's stuff has a distinct taste present in all of their beers, and it's most apparent in original. The problem is that the distinct taste really doesn't ADD much. I give it a B- because it's a little better than average, but it is sort of blah.
6. Coors Light - sucks, but retains some kind of feature of full beer in that it is flavorful, but not enough for my taste. C-
7. Keystone Light - sucks more, as Keystone IS Coors, but shittier. at $12 for a 30 rack though, this is essential for beer pong, floorbangers, or just blacking out. D
8.Miller Lite - sucks most. This is alcoholic water with blended shit. Z-....---....-
So there you have it. If you've actually taken the time to read all of this, and you are of legal age (disclaimer), try some of this shit out. It's pretty good.
1. Heineken Original - this shit is delicious. The malt flavor and hops really come through together to offer a very full taste, but surprisingly clean finish. If you're a fan of light beer and want to go on to something more a) manly, b)tasteful, then a Heine is for you. You can definitely drink one and not feel a heavy gut. I give this beer an A-, because I haven't had real German beer yet, and I'm hoping that will rank higher.
2. Guinness Extra Stout - this beer is not for the faint of heart. It's actually BLACK. If you're new to beer drinking, keep away. Guinness has a very bitter finish that new beer drinkers won't necessarily like. It's more for a seasoned palate. You can actually smell the abundance (relative to other beers) of malt and hops - malt especially. It's a very thick beer, and after one, you're good. If you drink another, you may puke up black snot. B+
3. Leinenkugel's Honey Weiss - the original "chill" beer. Unless you're well-trained, the honey can't really be tasted, so don't see the name and think, "hey - honey, I like sugary shit." - NO. It's just a really good beer that you can't go wrong with when you just want to hang out. B+
4. Sam Adams Honey Porter - now you can taste the honey. This beer is actually pretty thick, right close to Guinness, but has a smoother finish. I like it quite a bit, but it's not the first beer I'd go after. The problem with Sam Adams is that it's trying to be as good as an import, but it's brewed domestically. Somehow, whether it's psychological or not, that turns me off. But Honey Porter is a good domestic experiment. B
5. Leinenkugel's Original - this stuff is actually a lot like a Heine, but less. Leinenkugel's stuff has a distinct taste present in all of their beers, and it's most apparent in original. The problem is that the distinct taste really doesn't ADD much. I give it a B- because it's a little better than average, but it is sort of blah.
6. Coors Light - sucks, but retains some kind of feature of full beer in that it is flavorful, but not enough for my taste. C-
7. Keystone Light - sucks more, as Keystone IS Coors, but shittier. at $12 for a 30 rack though, this is essential for beer pong, floorbangers, or just blacking out. D
8.Miller Lite - sucks most. This is alcoholic water with blended shit. Z-....---....-
So there you have it. If you've actually taken the time to read all of this, and you are of legal age (disclaimer), try some of this shit out. It's pretty good.
Overheard at Concordia
As I was walking back from the library tonight after about an hour and a half of busting my ass on Spanish (senora Swaggart failed at teaching me anything of importance back at Franklin) I passed by the Livedalen dorms which house mostly music majors at which point hilarity ensued.
On the first floor somebody had opened their windows as wide as they could go and put their stereo facing outward and that was hooked up to their tv. At the highest volume the stereo could go there was audio from a gay porno blasting out into the cool night as if it was a nice Avril Levign song. That brought a grin to my face once I figured out what was going on, but the best was yet to come. There was one dude just hanging out in the middle of the sidewalk just standing there listening intently while 90 dbs of man on man action rocked my small Lutheran college campus.
Good times...
On the first floor somebody had opened their windows as wide as they could go and put their stereo facing outward and that was hooked up to their tv. At the highest volume the stereo could go there was audio from a gay porno blasting out into the cool night as if it was a nice Avril Levign song. That brought a grin to my face once I figured out what was going on, but the best was yet to come. There was one dude just hanging out in the middle of the sidewalk just standing there listening intently while 90 dbs of man on man action rocked my small Lutheran college campus.
Good times...
Lions and Tigers and Bears - Oh My!
The crazy Halloween festivities (Freakfest) took place in Madison last night. The city spends $600,000/year to keep the peace Saturday night. I saw some crazy costumes, to include around forty guys dressed as the Spartans from 300. On Friday (before the real celebration begins), after pumping themselves up by running up and down the stairs to the capitol building, they did their run/charge down State Street, where the police attempted to force them onto the sidewalk (on Friday the street is open to regular traffic, which is limited to buses, police vehicles, and taxis). Few left the street, so three officers made an example of one by tackling his near naked body to the pavement.
I was Cedric Diggory. My entourage of about twenty people dressed as Harry Potter characters went to State Street together. I stayed with them for about 5 minutes. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, but the party on State Street is overrated and rather strictly supervised.
Bundy: I saw two guys dressed as The Ambiguously Gay Duo from SNL.
On a totally different note, I really want to see the film version of "Into the Wild". Besides the praise of Mr. Wanninger, I've learned from my work at Starbucks, where we sell a digital download of the soundtrack, that Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam is the composer. Fantastic.
I was Cedric Diggory. My entourage of about twenty people dressed as Harry Potter characters went to State Street together. I stayed with them for about 5 minutes. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, but the party on State Street is overrated and rather strictly supervised.
Bundy: I saw two guys dressed as The Ambiguously Gay Duo from SNL.
On a totally different note, I really want to see the film version of "Into the Wild". Besides the praise of Mr. Wanninger, I've learned from my work at Starbucks, where we sell a digital download of the soundtrack, that Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam is the composer. Fantastic.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
This is Halloween, This is Halloween
As you all know halloween is right around the corner and it's one hell of a good time. The problem that I have is that I am too lazy to either:
1) Come up with a good costume idea
2) Actually construct said costume
3) Remember to wear it on halloween
Well, this year that'll all change because I actually have come up with some damn good ideas mostly on my own.
#1 - "You in the Morning"
Description: It's you after a hard night of drinking with people you shouldn't trust
What you need: Steady Hand
Sharpie/black marker
Basic penis drawing skills
Application: Just draw as many dicks, curse words or odd shapes as you like on yourself and all you have to do is walk around acting like you are hungover.
Precaution: Try not to use anything that's too permanant on your body.

#2 - "Crazy dude saying the world is going to end guy"
Description - You will be the person who raves all day and night saying how we're all sinners and the G.O.D. is pisses off.
What you need: Clothing that resembles what a Father/Pastor/Religous leader/Hobo would wear (depending on what angle you want to take)
A Large Crucifix
Large sheet of cardboard that you can carry around that says "the end is near"
Ability to strike fear into the hearts of sinners.
Application: All you need to do for this one is to walk around waving a crucifix wildly in the air or point it directly at suspected sinners. Another thing you can do is to grab your head as though you have a migrain and start screaming in tounge or say you're getting a vision from above that there is "evil present in this very room".
Precaution: Probably not the best idea to wear this one at a church run halloween event.

#3 - "Huffer"
Description: In this one you become the guy who walks around small dark allys huffing spray paint or glue out of a paper bag.
What you need: Paper Bag
Silver or Gold sparkly substance that resembles spray paint
Clothing that's got outdated logos or class of '95 or before printed on them
Ability to pull off a look of failed dreams/fleeting look of happiness in your eyes
Application: Just apply a liberal amount of gold or silver body paint around your mouth or nose to give the hint that you've been going down to the lower lot. You also should have your paper bag in hand and breath from it every few minutes and directly after stare into space for a few seconds.
Precautions: Don't use real spray paint or glue unless you trully want to have a night to not remember.

So there you have it, a few ideas for Halloween. With a little creativity and elbow grease anyone can become whatever they want for Halloween.
Friday, October 26, 2007
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
When you think of the phrase "life sized sex doll" (I hear it more often than i'd like to admit), very few positive images come to mind. I'm really hoping that the new Ryan Gosling film, which sets him as a guy who buys a life sized sex doll and treats it like a real person, will bring better thoughts to mind.
The film "Lars and the Real Girl" has caught my attention for a couple of reasons. First it start Ryan Gosling who is actually a damn good actor who was in "Half Nelsen" ( I wanted to get one of my teachers to smoke crack after seeing it) as well as "The Notebook" . Most people (guys) i've talked to hate "The Notebook", but i'm a fan anyways becaus it's just so damn heart warming. The second reason I am excited for this is just to see how many shots the director gets of akward faces from all the co-stars that will rack up throughout the course of the film.

Because the idea was just too good.
Well, I've never had/been apart of a blog before so I figured fuck it, I'll just take Tom's idea and run with it. I have no idea what direction this blog will go in (if it goes anywhere at all because I am a lazy bastard) or who will be on it so I'll just say if you read the mustache blog and know me just ask to be on and i'll probably let you on.
Oh, just as a heads up don't expect proper english/basic grammer skills to be used as they should.
Oh, just as a heads up don't expect proper english/basic grammer skills to be used as they should.
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