It's getting to be that time of year again. The time of the year when the days get shorter and a bit colder every day and a little bit of me dies inside. Don't get me wrong, I love winter and snow, but its this in between time when it's rainy and everything is becoming gray/brown/death colored.
It's also the time of the year when daylight savings comes into play and even though I get a sweet ass extra hour of sleep for a day, the trade off is that it's night by 5:00 p.m. which isn't all that fun.
So, in order to keep my sanity I stop listening to certain bands/music because it's just too damn depressing. I've been doing this for two years now and I've found it helps my demeanor as well as overall sanity. So without any further hesitation, here is a list of music I won't listen to until spring.
- Alice in Chains - This is Grunge at it's finest and for 7 months a year or so I love it. However, song after song about heroin and how much they love it is just too much in the middle of winter.
- Staind - I used to really dig this band, but most their songs are depressing as hell and deal with the topic of how much they hate their dads.
- Burial - I just started listening to Burial this past summer so only time will tell if I'll be able to listen to it in the dead of winter but something tells me that the relaxation to depression level ratio isn't going to fair too well
- Iron & Wine - This is similar to Burial in that I just started getting into this band this summer but unlike Burial, I have a bit more hope that won't make my heart sad mid-February.
They're just a few bands that won't be getting too many plays this winter but I know that some artists like The Field and The Killers just make me all sorts of happy so it evens out.
Side note from the weekend... I'm pumped as hell to see the Quantum of Solace (the new bond film) as Daniel Craig's previous effort, Casino Royale, was one of the most entertaining films I've seen in some time.
Also, Gears of War 2 came out a few days ago, but I'm trying to show some self control on that. I've got 2 tests, 3 papers (big ones), a 20 minute speach (fun fact - I lost my voice last night and I'm wonering when I'll be getting it back), and a lab report all due this coming week. So, I'm going to hold off and I plan on waiting until Friday to buy it... maybe.