I never thought I would say this, but I actually am liking this whole work and do shit thing that I've heard so much about but have never really gotten around to until now. It's a good feeling.
Speaking of good feelings, Busted Tees has released something that must have come straight from the gods: The Octabong Look at this bastard!

If that doesn't say fun for all ages, I don't know what does.
While we're on the topic of good feelings, Sigur Ros are about to release a new album in late June and they've released the first track from it entitled Gobbledigook. Check it out at sigurros.com. it's free.
On a final note, I ended up going to the movies three times in three days last week.
I wasn't planning on going to any movies, but I got a call from Jeff saying that Speed Racer had it's last showing on Thursday and I knew what I had to do. Even though it tanked hard with audiences, I had to see it and Jeff was nice enough to give me a ride to the theaters. All I can say is wow. That film was designed for children under 13, people old enough to have enough nastalga for the old tv show, and people who do drugs. It was a constant barage of bright colors and patterns that are more commonly found on the iTunes visualizer, but the film managed to hold my attention for two hours.
On Friday night, I got a call from Megan (or was it Cameron?) saying that the drive in theatre on 371 was opened again and they were showing Transformers and Live free or Die Hard. I've seen Transformers at least 15 times, but I never thought I would ever see a film at a drive in so I thought I would check it out with Megan, Cameron, and Paige. The picture was great and the audio came from the radio (crazy science) and it was an enjoyable experience. Not sure when I'll go again, but it was still a good experience.
My journey to waste all my money of movies was completed on Saturday when I watched Indiana Jones IV with Jeff. I know a lot of people are giving it a lot of shit for being cheesey and for going over the top too many times and all I can say is yeah, they did cheese it up and they did go way over the top (all I can say is the scene with the monkeys= What the fuck were they thinking). It also was an entertaining film that made me remember why Indiana Jones is such a bad ass even though he's probably a member of AAPR. Check it out, what's the worst that could happen? you might have a good time long enough to forget that it costs $4 a gallon and you live 20 minutes out of town.
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