Phrase: Girl Talk
1. A heart to heart talk between two individuals
2. Crazy ass DJ and pseudonym of Gregg Gillis.
It has become something of a normal occurrence for a DJ or some dude in his basement with GarageBand and some free time to combine two (or possibly three) songs into one creating a mashup. I'm not saying that they aren't sweet or ingenious, it's just that most of the time they consist of only two tracks with similar bpm and get put together.
Girl Talk doesn't stop at two songs (or three or four) when he's mashing it all up. What Gillis does is he combines upwards of 10 to 20 different songs, chops them to pieces, and throws them all together into one cohesive song. What's odd about this is how well it all blends together and doesn't seem forced. He doesn't add a single note to any of the songs he puts together; it's all samples.
Check out his stuff on his myspace and just try to pick out all the samples in each song, because after a while it becomes a little addicting after a while and the complexity of each song goes up just a little bit.
If each song is just a bunch of samples, can he call an album he releases as something entirely his own, or is it all other peoples music? oh well.
Fun fact - his 2006 album "Night Ripper" consisted of over 150 samples and clocked in at only 42:05. wow.
that guy's stuff IS SICK.
He played a show at the Union here, but it was packed. Plus I was working. Solid choice, my friend.
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