- Buck Rodgers
The Super Bowl
The World Series
The World Cup
The Tour De Franzia.
It is tough for any average Joe to be able to witness the first three events first hand let alone compete in them, which is what sets the fourth event on a whole different competitive category.
For those of you not familiar with The Tour De Franzia, it's quite simple. A group of 3-8 competitors (or gladiators as I will refer to them from here on out) assemble and each team attempts to finish a 5 liter bag of Franzia as soon as possible. Each team gets a different flavor of "wine" (and I use the term lightly) and try to race to the finish as fast as possible. That's it. However, there are some variations
- After every liter consumed, the gladiators must ride a bike around a predetermined road (or punji pit covered) course in order to continue consuming the "wine".
- For one on one competitions, two gladiators wear camelbaks and ride around a predetermined course and the last person still on their bike wins.
I can already imagine that some of you are thinking to yourself how utterly emasculating pounding boxed wine is and you're half right. It's pretty damn lame for the first liter and a half but after that you're a champion in anyone's eyes.
So next time you get the need of the hankering of feeling the wind blow through your hair while being intoxicated on something that shouldn't be consumed by any human, pull a Lance Armstrong and you'll know what to do.

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