So here's what went down today at the beach.
Cameron called me up and asked if I wanted to go and meet him at whipple beach and smoke some hookah to which I replied "Hells yeah!" and so the seeds were sown. I had never turned down a hookah session and I wasn't about to start today. I jumped in my car and before I knew it I was at the beach and met up with Cam and the hookah was all set up and going so all I had to do was say hi to everyone (Mick was there) and start hitting that bad boy.
After no more than a minute I saw none other than Mr. Barnett, my AP Econ teacher, and we struck up a quick conversation about how we were both doing, but Barnett had to cut it short because there were a group of kids trapped under a railroad car and he had to stare the car down until it lifted itself back onto the rail** (it only took 13 seconds).
Anyways, after smoking for a solid 10 minutes Mr. Bock came out of nowhere (actually there's a good chance he was coming from his house) and started smoking hookah with us for his very first time which was pretty damn sweet. Not long after he joined us we notice that a po-lice car pulled up and the officer was eye-fucking us from inside his car and I being the law respecting citizen I am wasn't too worried because we were smoking sheesha (sheesha isn't slang for pot by the way).
For a solid 5 minutes we continued to smoke in the bliss that was whipple beach on a beautiful day, but then he got out of the car. He approached us with menacing eyes and pepper spray drawn** and told us to spread our shit or else he was going to and I quote "Rape you in the Fucking Face"**. We did as we were told and after a solid 20 minute Rodney King session** he asked us what we were smoking and that there were reports of a group of roguish looking guys passing around a bong. It was at this point that an "undercover brother" rolled up and we were asked to empty our pockets and asked what we were doing. We told him that we were smoking just tobacco and that there was no Marijuana in there which I guess was enough to convince him that there were better things to do besides hassle some people relaxing on the beach.
As a side note, there were people drinking beer on the beach which is against regulations, but I digress. Fuck the police. oink oink oink.
Passages with "**" may or may not be entirely truthful, but oh well.
Too bad the Stache blog is no longer up, otherwise I would have showed one of them this
1 comment:
There is a 100% chance that I live a hop, skip, and an olympic javelin throw away from the beach.
But yeah... cops are cool.
I should always keep a needle in my pocket just for moments like that.
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