The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Impulse Buys And Tax Money

So, last week I got off work around 8 in the morning and was more or less tired drunk once I got out of the shower (I'm sharp as a tack until I take a shower, then I get super tired) and decided, "Hey, I want to try some tea." With that I went on the internet and sure enough I did some quick research and found what appeared to be a fairly reputable website Adagio Teas and went ahead and started buying some tea. I've enjoyed tea in bags for the past few years, but finally decided it was time to nut up or shut up and go all in with some loose leaf tea. My plan was to just buy a couple of tins of teas that I liked and try one that I had never had before, but fuck, I've never been one for self control so I got 8 different kinds of tea and a badass thing to brew tea in and ended up blowing close to 60 bucks.

 Look how fucking sweet this shit is!

Fuckin' Science!

 So yeah, that should all be coming some point today (April 30th) and I plan on just going balls out and drinking the shit out of a bunch of tea and not sleep ever again. In other news, I was crashing at a friend's place after a particularly rough night at the bar and sure enough when I was sleeping, her dog ate my glasses. Bastard. With that I was forced to finally get a new pair of glasses so I said fuck it and I'm now the proud new owner of a couple of pairs of Ray Ban prescription glasses. One black thick rimmed and one subtle professional style.

So yeah, that's where all my tax money went. fuck.

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