The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hearts Alive

"You fucking idiot, the turkey is in the pig!"

This quote bests sums up the monstrosity that is Epic Meal Time. It's a Youtube cooking series and the badassometer is freaking off the charts. Every meal (or abomination depending on how you feel about it) is made on a massive scale and is always made up mostly of different meats. Take for example, their take on sushi. They make it out of bacon, beef, baconator sections and then they eat the shit out of it. The best part of the show is that they have a ticker at the bottom right hand corner of the screen adding up the calories and grams of fat. In on episode they made it past 100,000 calories. I'm not even kidding a little bit.

It might be the ridiculousness of the whole show or just their delivery, but I now know what I'm looking forward to every Tuesday. It's Epic Meal Time.

1 comment:

Ahmed said...

i think i just had a coronary.

For Vanities sake

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