The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Monday, October 4, 2010


It's October already? Where the fuck is my life going all the sudden?

Life updates
- Eastbound and Down is back and my life is now as close to complete as it ever will be now that I can watch Kenny Powers' exploits from the comfort of my home on HBO.

- Homecoming was a 16 hour drunken odyssey of epic proportions. 'Nuff said.

- I'm trying to brainstorm for the last Halloween costume I'll ever wear because once you're out of college, Halloween is pretty much over. Thoughts? Ideas?

1 comment:

Ahmed said...

the best Halloween costume i ever saw was a group effort:

thanksgiving dinner.

one guy is the turkey, one guy is a slice of pie, one guy is the cranberries, one guy is the mashed potatoes...etc.

together, it's just glorious.

For Vanities sake

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