The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Where Do They Fly?

Anybody who knows me knows that I really really like The Tallest Man on Earth. Whenever I listen to him, my mind would always be taken to a calmer, more beautiful place. This is exactly the way I've imagined it. Kristian Mattson playing near a lake during a sunset. wow.


Cameron said...

His voice sounds more... normal? than it usually does. Darkness lends to the intimacy. I sort of imagine all of Scandinavia looking like this most of the time. Good find

Cameron said...

Stich where are the rest of your favorite albums from last year

royalewithcheese_ said...

Soon. I was planning on doing it sometime this week, but I just haven't found the time. Maybe tomorrow sometime?

Cameron said...

the multitudes grow hungry

For Vanities sake

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