The Stiche Corner - Sort of like a Norman Rockwell painting, if Rockwell had been influenced by hookers and cock fighting.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Porch Drinking

Sorry guys, I've been a little bit busy and a little bit lazy lately and that pretty much just means that this blog gets put to the back burner. I'll do a quick recap.

I took my NCLEX exam and I'm officially a registered nurse and I spent all last week in orientation learning different aspects of paperwork and how to use the computer programs as well as all sorts of policies for different procedures. Tonight I have my first real day of work on the unit (I'm on the resource team which means I float to any one of 10 units based on who calls in sick or has time off) and I'll be spending this first week on the Oncology unit and I'm really excited. What I'm not excited for is that within this first month I'll have to switch between 12 hour night shifts, 12 hour day shifts, 8 hour evening shifts, 8 hour night shifts, 8 hour day shifts... yeah. It'll get better after this month because I'll be on a straight night rotation so I'll be able to get used to that again.

That said, I now have tin foil on my windows, not because I don't want the government to hear my thoughts, but because it's the best way I've found to totally block out light and allow for sleep in the middle of the day. If anybody has any other less white trash solutions to that, I would be all ears.

I've lately been listening the hell out of Bon Iver's new album, Bon Iver, Bon Iver and it's absolutely wonderful. I'm a total sucker for all of his work and I bought this hook line and sinker. He took some chances and I would have to say they paid off. I can't quite put it up on the pedistle and say it's as good as For Emma, Forever Ago, but damn... It's close.

I also finally got around to watching the film Brick after a suggestion from Tom and holy zombie jesus, that movie is awesome. It's been on my Netflix watch instantly queue for months, but I finally watched it and it's amazing. I won't give anything really away, but it's a neo-noir (think hard-boiled detective) that's set in a modern high school and it just works. I don't know how, but it works on every level and I can't wait to get some more free time to watch it again just to pick up on everything I missed.

I think that's the gist of what's up in my life now. Big changes, but not really. I got a job at the place I've been doing clinicals for the past two and a half years and I moved maybe a mile and a half from my old place to my new place (one corner of campus to the other side). I guess the biggest change is that I now have a beeper that was given to me from my work. Yeah, a beeper. I'm not even kidding when I say I'm more excited about this than I thought I had any right to be, but yeah, I now have a work beeper. Hello 1993.

1 comment:

Cameron said...

Man. Congrats on finishing school, the job - everything really.

And Jason Segel/NPH/Alyson Hanigan totally makes "How I Met Your Mother" worth it. I haven't seen a show that makes me laugh out loud that frequently in a long time.

For Vanities sake

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