This past weekend was Halloween and as far as I'm concerned, it's probably societies best opportunity for people to get shitty drunk, dress up in extravagant/lazy costumes, and overall make a mess of the city next to a "Rocky Horror Picture Show" screening.
That said, I was quite impressed with what Fargo/Moorhead was able to pull off in terms of costumes considering there is always the possibility of frostbite whenever one goes outside after mid-October. I saw quite a few Tom Cruises from Risky Business as well as more than a handful of Flying Spaghetti Monsters, but they paled in comparison to the best costumes of the night. As I was leaving a bar and on my way to another one sometime after midnight, I looked to my right and saw a group of guys decked out in straight up Beatles clothing and hair circa "A Hard Day's Night" run into another group of Beatles only they were dressed up in "Sergeant Pepper's" gear.
Seeing the two groups bump into each other an stare each other down before continuing on their way made my night. I wonder how many times that happened elsewhere that night...
Anyways, post a description of the best costume you saw at any point during Halloween weekend.